|| 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟑 ||

202 7 12

Today or tonight?
Well not really a matter as long as i with you is always the thing that matter isn't it

At this night look like it really a busy night
at the car park there really a lot of car and motorcycle
They 5 get inside are almost completely full except 1 table and that spot where holly always sit

" welcome "
" you better spend a lot money here " lychee giggle and walk away with tray of alcohol

" what is that supposed to mean- " golden cheese

" let go get a table shall we? " white lily

" i will go sit at my favorite place then " hollyberry

" as you should " golden cheese

Hollyberry separate from the group and go sit at the chair. Pitaya just walk to them and place sunset rum in front of her. Hollyberry giggles a little and drink it

" you really like alcohol aren't you? " pitaya

" of course "
" but i like you more " hollyberry

" ... Sssshut up! " pitaya

" alright alright~ " hollyberry


Back to the other side where hollyberry friends sit. They 4 just chatting and play some truth or dare game suddenly there a loud glass broken and make everyone turn attention to it


" You the one who should look at the way! "
" you just run to me!! You stu-" lychee

The old man pick a empty glass near by and throw it on a wall almost hit lychee. They look back and about to kill they own customers

" YOU! " lychee

" clam down lychee " lotus walk to them both " my apologies for my sibling behavior "

The old man look at lychee madly but when they see lotus they smirk and walk to them

" how are you going to pay my clothes then " ??

" we can sever you the other drink if you want sir " lotus

" what if i want other thing else " ??

The customer try to garb them both but dark caoco garb that old man arm and throw him away. Golden cheese and white lily go find holly cause she is the only one who strong enough to stop dark caoco and pure vanilla try to clam dark caoco down.

" Clam down! " pure vanilla

"  get out of the way pure vanilla " dark caoco

" dark caoco cookie! " pure vanilla

Dark cacao garb the old man collar and about to punch that old man but holly pull dark caoco away before he could punch someone

" Dark caoco! " hollyberry " clam down! "

" .. " dark caoco " I'm sorry ho- "

Dark caoco not even finished his word. The old man hit hollyberry with a wine bottle. The glass shattered all over the area can tell the difference between blood and the wine. Pitaya use they napkin to wipe the red drink out of hollyberry face

" you alright!? " pitaya

" I'm fine thank for asking " hollyberry

Before the old man can do another thing his head get slam to the table already make everyone shock except lotus lychee and pitaya of course. The one who slam the old man head to the table is longan who have enough of it already


After the few hours the situation start to clam now and the ambulance come and get the old man away. And longan already gone and holly dragging dark caoco to talk

" sorry for pull you both in this situation " lotus

" no no it fine! You didn't pull us! We just want to help " white lily cookie " please not apologize "

" thank again i guess " lychee & pitaya

" no problem " golden cheese " shortie "


" golden cheese cookie! " pure vanilla

And the other side where dark caoco and hollyberry are talking ( which is in the car ) hollyberry in the passenger seat and dark caoco in the driver seat

" what made you so mad? I know you have anger issues but i have never seen you this mad before? " holly

" .. " dark caoco

" cmonnn tell me I won't tell anyone~ " holly

" are you sure about that? Last time you literally tell everyone who walk by " dark caoco

" I promise this time! I swear!! " holly

" .. fine "
" you see that bartender.. " dark caoco

" who? " holly

" the blue one " dark caoco

" oh yeah why? " holly

Dark caoco quiet for a while before slam his own head to the steering wheel

" when i see they face my heart kinda racing faster.. i don't know why i- " dark caoco


" if you tell them i swear to god I WILL LET WHITE LILY DRIVE US BACK TO APARTMENT! " dark caoco

" .. " holly

" that what i thought " dark caoco

~ sorry for late update 😭 ~

|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now