|| 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟔 ||

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Sometime there a bad day isn't it.
But there alway a good day for us! That time will alway come to you.. but look like today a bad day..


It been a while but look like they both have to stuck with the study again pitaya not really care much cause they will work at this bar anyway but holly who is busy start to give pitaya less time now..

" .."

Pitaya watch lotus close the bar while they are looking at the seat where holly alway came and talk to them. But lately she not come to the bar...Lychee who is carrying a 2-3 empty beer glass look at pitaya and see them look at the same place.

" what you doing help me carry this sh-t " lychee

" ! "
" alright fine!! i'm coming! Geez you're weakssss " pitaya

" what wrong with you tonight huh!? Missing your little dOg or something " lychee

lychee say while hand the beer glasses to pitaya. The not very great the customer today

" Hell no! And what the f- you mean DOG!? " pitaya

Lychee shrug " i just say what longan told "

" for god ssssake " pitaya



Dark caoco sit on the chair watching hollyberry to finish they work cause she spends time with pitaya like week and she have a mountain of projects to do probably take a week...

" can i at least text themmmmm " holly

" no " dark caoco

" you're narrow-minded " holly

" thank " dark caoco

Hollyberry on her desk mumbling under her breath before go back doing the house modeling cause the dead line is tomorrow. And it almost midnight now.

" yo i'mma go outside need something " golden

" hungry again aren't you " dark caoco

" yes " golden " so hurry up i not have all day "

" can i have soda? " holly

" i will just have coffee " dark caoco

" alright alright you better pay me tomorrow " golden cheese left

Few hours past and look like the coffee didn't help must so dark caoco fall a sleep on the sofa so holly sneak out her phone.

Few hours past and look like the coffee didn't help must so dark caoco fall a sleep on the sofa so holly sneak out her phone

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Hollyberry giggles a little because pitaya just text back in a second

Hollyberry giggles a little because pitaya just text back in a second

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Hollyberry smiles a little before she text more

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Hollyberry smiles a little before she text more

Then suddenly dark caoco who wake up long ago garb hollyberry phone out of her hand and yeet to pure vanilla

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Then suddenly dark caoco who wake up long ago garb hollyberry phone out of her hand and yeet to pure vanilla.

" i guess u can get it back tomorrow " pure vanilla


|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now