|| 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐 ||

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Other normal day in the morning, hollyberry get up from the bed and get dressed to get ready to go to the university like alway with golden cheese who is complain next to her ear

" I can't believe that you just try to flirt with a bartender!! And run away from one of they sibling!! " golden cheese

" oh cmon not my fault! I just drunk! (lie) i can't remember anything! (Lie again) " hollyberry cookie

" oh yeah!? " golden cheese look at hollyberry immediately " then why you get drunk easily yesterday!? You like had to drink 100 cup of alcohol to get drunk! "

Dark caoco sigh while watching his friends fight for some stupid reason again while pure vanilla just laugh so as lily cookie

" why you laughing pure vanilla? White lily?" dark caoco

" someone just inlove~ " pure vanilla

" how can you tell? " dark caoco

" aren't that is so obviously~? Not you think? " white lily

" I AM NOT IN LOVE!! I-I just d-drunk hahahah-! " hollyberry try to excuse herself

Dark caoco think for a while and agree with pure vanilla and white lily cookie that hollyberry is in-love with a bartender in first sight and take a phone out

" that bartender you talk with is in the same universe with us " dark caoco say and hollyberry literally snap her head to look

" i Am nOt inLoVe~ " golden cheese parody hollyberry before put her arm around hollyberry neck " cmon~! We also want to see you inlove and happy to~! "

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" i Am nOt inLoVe~ " golden cheese parody hollyberry before put her arm around hollyberry neck " cmon~! We also want to see you inlove and happy to~! "

Hollyberry quickly turn away and wearing her shoes before getting out of the room embarrassing golden cheese just laughing and following her after that


In the university

Everyone was walking and talking around in the university golden cheese sill talking about the bar they just entered yesterday

" cmon~ just admit you like that bartender~~ " golden cheese

" OH LOOK IT THEM " pure vanilla

" WHERE " hollyberry

" got u hahahaha! " white lily

Hollyberry face turn red from embarrassment and quickly walk away the other just quickly walk after her

They enter the class look like they to early so they sit somewhere near by but hollyberry sit other place because they will probably tease about her obviously.

Minutes passed and people start to get in suddenly someone sit next to her but she not really care so she is lay her head on there arm until

" you look familiar? "
" are you that costume from yesterday? " ??

Hollyberry look up to see who sit next to her it was them that bartender

" oh it really you? " pitaya say and look at holly while petting her back

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" oh it really you? " pitaya say and look at holly while petting her back

" oh- hi again-! "

hollyberry quickly get up and smile at them luckily her friend who seat other places didn't notice her with them right now

" haha the world is very circle not you think! "

" yeah also " pitaya give hollyberry a wallet " you forgot thissss "

" oh- " hollyberry thank them and get her wallet back before pitaya get up but she garb they hand " why not you sit here? "

Pitaya look at her little annoying and sit back down put they chin on they palm hollyberry just staring at them

" cute " hollyberry

" did you say something? " pitaya

" nope! Nothing! Uh um thank for returning the wallet btw-" hollyberry quite before smile " see you at the bar "

Pitaya sigh out loud and look at her " mhm"


|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now