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The night had come the sky turn black the light on the city became shining again in this night, the colorful light from the building all over this night

~In the apartment~

They 4 get ready to go outside but dark caoco just lay on bed make golden walk to him and slap his head

" get up already! " golden cheese

" No i already tried of the project "
" and not you dare say that we can go relax in the bar hell nah i'm not gonna take care of your shit again " dark caoco

" tch " golden cheese put her hand on her hip while her other hand look at her phone " fine "

Golden cheese throws an apartment key and drak caoco catch it before she walk back to another and then leave the apartment.

They 4 alive at the bar the same bar because it the closest bar to they apartment and also they not want to go to far as well hollyberry withdraw from the group to sit at her same place as that time

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They 4 alive at the bar the same bar because it the closest bar to they apartment and also they not want to go to far as well hollyberry withdraw from the group to sit at her same place as that time.


" oh it you "
" not forget about your wallet this time" ananas say annoying and rolling they eyes

" oh- uh where pitaya? " hollyberry ask and sit down

" why? " ananas stare at her madly

" nothing just ask " hollyberry just smile but inside want to punch they face so bad

" oh you both know each other? "

the other one walk in the conversation they have long dark green hair with a fur that that have little lotus on top with a suit

" you remember who i chase that night lotus.. " ananas say, lotus look at hollyberry and laugh

" so what would you like to drink? Or you want me to call your favorite bartender~ " lotus

" Not you even darrre lotus " ananas turn they face to lotus and slap their head


Pitaya walk out seeing they older siblings fight each other lotus just keep teasing and ananas is talking back holly just sit there like a air

" who win? " lychee look from behind pitaya

" i don't know? " pitaya

" you better go get costumer pitaya, not even think to get this chaos as break time " lychee say and carry the drink away

" oh cmon! " pitaya

pitaya walk to hollyberry while sill talking to lychee before turn back and see that they person in front them is holly

" same place as yesterday? " pitaya

" mhm just to meet you " holly

" sigh... what you want thisss time? " pitaya sigh and roll their eyes

" anything sweet as you " holly but her chin on her palm

" tch " pitaya

pitaya go and grab Devil Springs Vodka the 1 of the strongest alcoholic that have 80% abv and pour it in the small glass before place it on the desk.

" ... " hollyberry look at the glass in front of her

" pff- If u drink this i let u do anything asss you want " pitaya

Hollyberry can tell that pitaya is holding they laugh while she literally have one of the strongest alcoholic in front of her face

" .. " holly swallow saliva and drink all the alcohol

" !? " pitaya surprise that holly really drink that

" ha.. " hollyberry look up at pitaya and smirking a at them " sunday at the cafe "

she say and then golden cheese smacks her head on the table, pitaya flinch before garb her out of the desk and bow a little

" sorry about my friend she probably drunk And sorry about her!! I swear she alway care abt us when she not drunk or drunk-! " white lily apologized and pay for the alcohol and also try to excuse abt hollyberry drunk behavior-

" .. " pitaya

" first date? " lychee

" SHUT UP " pitaya

|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now