|| 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗 ||

125 7 4

Welcome welcome!!
It been a long journey not you think?
We almost at the end of this month already

After probably months now after last date cause hollyberry have alot projects to do and look like hollyberry ask for the other date with the other deal again. This time is just at some park

They both just walked together in the park and talking to each other.. some laughs joke flirting and blah blah blah..before They both end up sitting on some bench nearby

" Pff- you got grounded this past week? " holly

" Not really.. "
" and what are you laughing about!? " pitaya

" nothing! " holly

Pitaya just rolled they eyes and look away hollyberry just laughed a little before get up. After a while hollyberry just hand them an ice cream

" hm? "

" it kinda hot outside not you think? " holly

" thank i guesssss? " pitaya

They just get an ice cream from hollyberry. Holly sit down next to pitaya like always

" I heard you get kicked out of university? "
" is it because you didn't there for whole months? " holly

" yesss but i not very care much causssse I already have work place and longan didn't care much.. longan just sent me because they.. friendssss i ssssupposed to sssay? Let go with longan friendsss"

" in sssshort they jussst mess with longan and sssay sssomething probably like i will find job i like.. yeah it they fall :/ " pitaya put they chin on they palm
" and longan ssssent money to use every month "

" oh- "
" how many your sibling sent you? " holly

" 500$ a weekss " pitaya
" but ananas get more cause they alwaysss have to take care of ussss 3 when longan not home or too bussssy " pitaya

" oh... WAIT HOW MUCH? " holly

Hollyberry drops her ice cream after shorting it shock. Pitaya just look at them annoying like not need to yell or something- hollyberry just clean her throat and act like nothing happened

" sorry for that-" holly

" that fine "
" i wasss a little sssurprised at firssst " pitaya

" i see.. "
" wanna go take a walk over there? " holly

" yeah yeah sssure " pitaya

After few hours passed
and it already passed 12:00 am so they decided to end this date cause Pitaya already see ananas car nearby waiting for them.. probably gonna honk if pitaya sill not get back

" gimme my 20$ " pitaya

" after you kiss my cheek " holly giggles a little

Pitaya look annoying before walk to them and kiss hollyberry on a cheek.. pitaya feel like they just have a date with a golden retriever dog for some reason

Hollyberry just smiles and kisses back on pitaya cheek

" oi " pitaya

" Sorry sweetie "
" so when will you have free time again next week? " holly

" ... "
" this probably lassst time " pitaya

" what you mean..? " holly

" haven't you wonder? How can a sssmall bar owner can sssent like 500$ to they ssssiblings a week or even more? Why they ssso easily seen they sssiblings to the expensssive university and not care when they get kick out from that place? How can a bar owner busssy all the time why that twitter get ssso much like when it just a small bar that just open? "

" this bar is just one of they Companies " pitaya

" but why this is the last time..? " holly

" we just move alotsss.. almost every 2-3 yearsss "
" that why i not really want to ssstick to this place much "pitaya

Pitaya take they necklace off before hand it to hollyberry

" it been very fun this 5 monthsss.."
" good bye "

One last kiss on the cheek

" wait- " holly

Pitaya already walk to ananas car before hollyberry can say anything..she just standing there watch the car drive off

~ in the car ~

" why not you tell the true " ananas

" what " pitaya

" that you also like her "
" you start to like her after that first date " ananas

" ... " pitaya


( The end of this ep not story 👀 )

|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now