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Hello there everyone since we have the younger siblings since youngest always have the oldest then maybe it time for our oldest siblings to shine~

The night day come and the bar chaos like always. The bar full with people and party. The same group as we know

" welcome " lotus say

They greet the customers as they holding a glass of beer in their hand and walk away. As always holly go sit on the same spot but look like pitaya wasn't here but is a manager who stop that old man yesterday and disappear

" ah!!"
" hello there i just want to say thank for stopping by the chaos yesterday- you must be longan right? pitaya told me that your the oldest sibling " holly order a drink to the other bartender

" .. " longan just look at her before saying

" and you must be that annoying dog who always sticks around with pitaya " longan

Hollyberry who about to drink chock and wipe her mouth with tissue near by and laugh a bit in embarrassment

" annoying dog? " holly

" Pitaya didn't say that. I add it " longan

" oh- " holly

Then they both silent and it dead air between them holly just look away and drink alcohol and longan just clean the beer glass before holly open the conversation again

" are you mad- that i try to uh-.. get with your sibling- " holly

" .. " longan

" i will take that a yes *SIP* " holly

And then it a dead air between them again before pitaya walk in and get hollyberry second order before they turn to longan

" Why the fuck not you take cussstomer order " pitaya

" where "
" i only see a dog " longan

" are you Ssseriously right now.. " pitaya " and what you mean dog!? "

Longan just shrug and roll they eyes before walk away leaving pitaya shouting at them behind. Hollyberry giggles at least she sill survive just today..

|| i in love with a bartender ||꧂  (hollytaya)Where stories live. Discover now