friends for a day

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Me and audrey both were awoken to my alarm
blaring I rolled my eyes knowing today was the day of the party, meaning i was gonna have to be with Annie all day today. I groaned loudly, we both got up and started getting ready, i put on a ghost face mask, a small black dress, fish nets, and a cape. Audrey wore a torn Green and red stripped sweater, a brown hat, black shorts, and red fishnets. yeah we were basic but i mean, what else would you wear to a halloween party? "are we taking my car or yours?" audrey said as she looked at me "uhh, mine? yours is kinda messy and it looks like it would be driven by a fuck boy." i said with a teasing smile. she put her hand over her heart "how dare you!" she said sarcastically. i rolled my eyes as we walked down the stairs, my older brother, Max walked up them. Audrey always swooned over Max but he was too focused on living life to be with someone. "where are you guys goin off to?" Max asked, his deep voice echoing through out the staircase. Audrey was quick to answer "Halloween party!" she said with a smile "woah woah woah, and you guys didn't invite me?!" he said with a goofy grin. Audrey laughed and I answered "you can meet us there?" i said with a laugh " know what? sure!" he said with a grin. We made it to my jeep and started driving "You still like max huh?" i said with a teasing smile, Audrey to me and rolled her eyes "shut up.." We finally arrived at the party and got out of the car, Audrey ran up to Annie and hugged her. i followed close behind with a annoyed look on my face. at closer inspection i realized that me and Annie had the same costume on...This bitch! i thought as i approached them. We entered the house and it was full of half naked girls, Culture appropriated costumes, and boys dressed as some infamous foot ball players. Annie and Audrey followed close behind me. Max eventually showed up as a greek original i thought, audrey began talking to him leaving me and Annie sitting on one of the couches awkwardly "Yooo they are twinning!!" i heard someone yell "hold hold lemme get a photo!!" someone yelled as they took out a camera i was rolling my eyes under the mask as the camera flashed. "year book!" the kid yelled. I heard a...laugh escape from Annie?

me and Mae ironically ended up wearing the same costume..I honestly didn't wanna fight with her, i was busy with school ALL week and i didn't wanna fight, i wanted to have a good time. Me and Mae sat together on the couch awkwardly as Audrey went off to talk to Annie's brother, i rolled my eyes, i was about to speak but was cut off by a kid taking a photo of us and yelling "year book!!" i rolled my eyes and went to stand up to get a drink "where are you going?" Maes deep voice spoke sending shivers down my spine "to get a drink." i said honestly she just groaned in response, as i got my drink i looked over to see Max and Audrey flirting. I ran to Mae and grabbed her wrist, she obviously tried to refuse but i dragged her over to the drink stand and pointed at Max and Audrey, she snickered "how much do you wanna bet that they are gonna be together by the end of this year?" i thought to myself "nah, i think that he will end up hurting her feelings.." i sighed and shrugged. A wave of awkward silence played upon us...I walked away from her and accidentally bumped into a boy, he was around my age, had chocolate colored hair, and grass green eyes. He was around 6'7 "oh im sorry!" i said with a smile. He looked at me like a predator and i was his prey. "you can make it up to me by heading upstairs.." he said, his breath reeked of alcohol. "i sorry i-" before i could finish i felt a arm wrap around my shoulder it was..Mae?! "hi darlin, do you wanna head out?" she said with a smile, i played along obviously. "of course! let's go." i said. the boy looked completely dumbfounded as we walked away to audrey..

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