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Ever since the day in the parking lot, life has been like one big fever dream. Sneaking around with Mae like we were in some teenage love story. "hellooo." i said to Mae as i hugged her from behind. Nobody was home except her, we were at her house hanging out in the kitchen, she was making food for herself "you know, we haven't really been talking to anyone else.." She said, i looked at her with a small frown "yeah i guess.." i said as i pulled my hands away from her body. She was right, we haven't really talked to Max,Kat, or Audrey..."hmmm, there's this party i can invite Audrey and Max too?"." i said as i gently pulled my phone out and texted Audrey "hey! sorry we haven't talked much, wanna go this party?" I got a reply after 20 minutes "can't." i looked at the passive aggressive text "she said no so i guess we will just stay home today.." i said as i grabbed her again. "wellllll see my moms gonna be here should probably go ahead and leave.." she said with a playful frown. "okay okay, will ya walk me out?" i said with a smile. She nodded and we began walking to the front door with me beside her. She opened the door with a smile "goodbye Prescott." i said with a smirk. I seen her cheeks turn bright red. I hugged her and walked to my car.


My mom got home soon after Annie left, "hey momma" i said as i sat down for dinner. She sat down next to me with her plate. "Where's dad?" i said as i began to ate. She sighed "i dont know Mae." i sighed, i always felt like a bother to her, my dad was the only one who i truly thought understood me, my mom usually talked to max more, i think it's partially because she understood him more and because he was planned and i wasn't. After dinner i went up to my room and got caught up on some english homework, i absolutely hated english because i was like..dyslexic, i spent a few hours on it until i could barely keep my eyes open. I eventually fell asleep in my bed. I woke up at around 7:57. Fuck im gonna be late! I quickly got up and threw on some black cargos pants and a grey baggy shirt with jordans. I quickly rushed downstairs and grabbed some meat for that stray cat. I named it Gizmo after that little gremlin from that movie. I quickly hopped in my jeep and left for school. By the time i got there everyone was already in their classes, me,max,Annie,and Audrey had the same math class. I walked in and immediately got a bad look from Audrey. I raised an eyebrow and sat down next to Annie. I didn't have time to think about that, we had a test that day. The teacher handed out the test. I began working and finally finished it, the bell rung as soon as i finished. I walked up to Audrey "hey i-" suddenly, i was cut off "where have you been? you ghost me max and kat." my eyes widened, "ive just been busy.." she rolled her eyes "busy with Annie?" my eyes widened, "i haven't been with Annie i-" before i could finish Max walked up as well. "we seen you guys together." i chocked. "Annie.." i said loud enough to get her attention. She walked up "hey guys!" i quickly shook my head at her to signal. "they know." i whispered, her eyes widened and i could tell she got visibly stressed. Awkward silence played upon us "tell us the truth, are you guys together?" me and anne looked at each other "no" "yes" we both answered at the same time. I tried to lie but anne tried to tell the truth. Max looked at me "you haven't talked to me or audrey because your busy off dating each other? it's been a fucking month and we get short responses. You haven't once asked about me and Audrey or kat or hell, haven't even asked if we are okay!" suddenly, i hear annie "the world doesn't revolve around you." My eyes widened. "You could've fucking told us? It's pathetic you kept the fact that you dating a secret and ghosted us in the process. Im you brother i fucking live with you." Max said, me and Anne just stare. "you can have each other, but don't be surprised when you break up and you have nobody." audrey and Max both exited the classroom, Me and Anne kinda just stared at each other..I left school early that day and just stayed in my room..


I haven't heard from either Annie or Mae lately, i've just been getting left on open. I didn't understand why until i got a text from Max reading "I just seen Mae and Annie together at a restaurant getting reallll cuddled up.." my eyes widened in shock as i read the text. The next day at school i seen Mae walk in and sit next to Anne. I rolled my eyes, i didn't care that they were dating but that they 1. kept it a secret and 2. ghosted us in the process..Class ended and Annie came up to me. I didn't even let her finish before i began telling her, it was strange they were hiding it. I mean, they would still be hating each other if it wasn't for me! A small argument broke out and me and Max quickly left "what should we do?" i said to max as we walked around the school as it was break. He sighed "i think we should give them a taste of their own medicine, if they don't want to speak to us we won't speak to them." i sighed "max shes your sister you can't jus-" i was quickly cut off by his husky voice "i dont care." i sighed, this was a mess. Maybe we are overreacting?

I didn't speak to mae for the rest of the day, school finally let out and i kissed Audrey goodbye, me and her were together now and they completely missed it. I mean, we literally lived together and she somehow didn't even ask about it. I drove home quickly and pulled in. I was met with Mae in the kitchen, "why are you here?" i said confused on why she was home early. "left school early." she said as she tried to walk back up the stairs. "Mae." i said as i leaned against the kitchen table with my body turned away from her. I heard her footsteps come closer and she sat at the table "Mae it's been months, you haven't asked me,audrey, or even Kat to hang out. You've been with Annie everyday all day, and it probably would still be a goddamn secret if i didn't see you guys all fucking lovey dovey!" Mae kinda just stared.."look, this is the first relationship that's felt real to me, i've been forced to date boys because i was ashamed. Know that i'm out-" i stopped before she could finish "out? please! we didn't even know, you've kept it a secret! and i fucking bet Annie wants to be out. But you're ashamed." I watched fire in her eyes rise, suddenly she snapped. "oh yeah okay. Yeah i'm fucking ashamed! you don't understand how it feels to feel like an outsider in your own home, dads barely here and mom doesn't love me like she loves you. She would flip if she would find out i was gay." suddenly, i heard keys slam on the counter..I looked behind Mae to see mom..

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