enemies in public, lovers in secret.

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Audrey dropped everyone else off and it was just me and her in the car, "have you talked to Mae?" she said as she continued to drive. I sighed before speaking "no ma'am, i just don't want to seem desperate." she just looked at me and nodded. We eventually made it to my house and i looked at audrey "Hey, i had a lot of fun this weekend. Love ya." i said as i got out and grabbed my bags from the back. I walked inside and unlocked the door "hey honey! how was the trip?" my dad said as he continued cooking. "it was great!" i said as i walked up stairs to unpack my stuff. I hung up my clothes and put my shoes back into the rack. I finished packing and went into the bathroom to shower. The warm water washed over my body, i finally felt relaxed. After a very needed shower, I got out and started doing homework..I couldn't keep Mae out of my mind, before i knew it i was texting her a "u up?" text, a few longing minutes later she texted back! "no." i could feel her sarcasm through the phone, the sarcasm that i use to hate.."we should talk." i sent the text and began to bite my nails nervously..Read 10:30pm. I sent in at 10:12pm...I sighed and went to get up to get food...Ding! as soon as i heard it i ran back to my room immediately. "tomorrow after school." she said, i smiled and put my phone down..i got food and fell asleep before even eating half, i was exhausted!


I took a nap almost as soon as i got home, when i woke up i had a few notifications but the specific one was...Annie's name on my phone screen. I quickly opened the message "u up?" i rolled my eyes, i texted back sarcastically and got up. It was late when i woke up from my nap, i decided to sit outside for a moment and just try to clear my head, i mean i haven't even unpacked yet! She texted back almost immediately. "We should talk." I thought for a second before answering, i truly did want to talk but i knew it would be the same thing, her being too scared to come out. My thoughts were cut short when i saw the same cat standing in front of me that i tripped over a few days ago, it's gorgeous black and orange pattern sat in front of me peacefully. "hey kitty." i said as i put my hand out. I was confused on where it came from but i wasn't mad about it, just confused..I was so focused on this mystery cat that i forgot to text annie back, after a few minutes of playing with her i remembered annie's text, i quickly typed a response and went back inside. I was up for most of the night and only got a few hours of sleep, i was practically falling asleep when my alarm went off. I groaned and rolled out of bed putting on some form of clothing. My mom was downstairs making breakfast as i crept down the stairs slowly. "why are you walking like the undead?" Max said as he leaned against my chair. i rolled my eyes "i didn't sleep good last night." max laughed "hey have you guys seen that cat around yet?" my mom said. i laughed "yeah! i was wondering where it came from.." she laughed softly "yeah i've been seeing it around." After that small conversation with them i crept off to my car and began to drive, i was battling sleep the whole way there honestly. Max usually would drive me or i would drive him but he woke up later than me and i didn't want to be late. I finally made it to school and was greeted by Kat. "hii!" she said with a smile. "hey.." i said tiredly. Math class was first, sadly. I walked into class and scanned the room. the only open seat was..beside annie..I groaned tiredly and sat down. The teacher started his lesson and i could feel myself drift in and out of sleep. We didn't really have anything to do so it wasn't major, class was finally over after an hour of torture. The rest of school went by slower than ever. I was walking to my car when i heard heavy footsteps running towards me, i quickly turn around and was faced with Annie. "hey..." she said "hey.." i said back, she didn't take her piercing green eyes off of me. After a few seconds of awkward silence i spoke "look, im sorry if you think i'm playing you i just-" before i could finish, annie spoke "your scared." my eyes widened "yeah.." She took a step closer, my heart started beating "take a chance with me." at first i thought she was joking and i laughed, her face remained as still as ever "you..you can't be serious, im Ms perfect Mae! you don't get it." my voice was low so nobody could hear except us "but, what people don't know couldn't hurt them.." i said with a small smile. I had no idea what i was doing but she was right, i couldn't keep living for others "so that makes us...?" she said with a nervous grin "i guess we will never know.." i said as i softly kissed her lips "does that clear it up for you?" i said with a smile. "hmm i dont know.." she said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and laughed "i'll see you later." i whispered in her ear before getting in my car and leaving her there, probably confused...

(Hi guys! i hope you are enjoying Just A Fall Fling so far! Please leave a comment and tell me if there is any changes you want done.)

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