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I scrambled through my bag trying to find it, I finally found it and handed it to him "one moment." he said as he walked back to his car. I was honestly half tempted to run away and frame max for it...But anyways, he finally came back and wrote me a speeding ticket. I drove back to the party VERY slowly now, I finally made it back to the party an hour later, Max and Audrey were sitting on the porch of the house party staring at me. I get out of the truck and run over "i am so sorry for taking so lon-" before i could finish max pushes past me, getting into his truck slamming the door hard enough to shake his truck..I look at Audrey with a raised eyebrow and she just walks to my car and gets into the passenger seat not saying a word. i get into my car as well and start driving to Audrey's house "what happened..?" i said awkwardly Audrey just huffs loudly before speaking "i uh..i confessed my feelings to Max and he didn't like me back i guess...I guess i was just a fall fling.." she said as she sniffled. I sighed loudly "You wanna get ice cream?" i said with a hopeful smile, she laugh "you know what, i'll do ya one better! let's go on a road trip, just me and you!" i looked over at her "you're to drunk to make decisions right now, talk to me in the morning" i said with a laugh. We finally made it to Audrey's house "alright, i'll see ya tomorrow!" i said as i drove away, great i was alone with my thoughts again..I sighed and drove home in silence. I finally made it back home and unlocked the door. My parents were on a business trip so i didn't have to sneak back in. I sighed and fell back on the couch passing out.


I woke up to my alarm clock, as usual i got up and stretched. I put on a black crop top with baggy cargo pants and air forces. I ran out of the house and tripped over something. I look to see what the hell i tripped on and it was..A cat? I raised an eyebrow and got back up, dusting myself off "hey kitty.." i said with a smile. I quickly snapped out of it and ran to my car, I couldn't afford to be late. I finally made it to school and entered the building, I seen audrey waiting for me. She ran up to me with a smile "hiiii" i smiled and waved. My mind was on Annie and our kiss. I scanned the hallways as i walked to class with Audrey. I walked into class and my eyes met with Annie's. I scrambled to random seat quickly, i heard a light voice as i looked up, it was a blue haired girl. "hey.." she said, i smiled before answering "hi..." me and the girl chatted for the rest of class, i found out her name is Kat. Class ended quickly and it was time for lunch..


I woke up the next morning thinking about what happened last night..I got dressed and put on a blue sweetheart shirt and jean shorts but i still couldn't draw my mind away from Mae. I got in my car and started driving to school. I finally made it to class, i couldn't find Mae so i just assumed she skipped, until i heard her aggravating voice i recently became fond of..She walked into class refusing to make eye contact with me. I sighed and looked back down at my desk. I heard her talking to a girl and my blood immediately started boiling. Was she even gay?! why did she leave my house?? did she like the kiss?! My mind was completely racing..I tried to pay attention to my teacher but i just couldn't. The bell finally rang and I jumped out of my seat, i was gonna go talk to Mae but she was already talking to that girl. As she was walking out i roughly grabbed her wrist and yanked her back, making her face me. "Did you like it?" i said. She looked at me wide eyed "annie i-" i rolled my eyes "don't give me bullshit, did you like it or not?!" i said looking at her angry "no." she said. My eyes widen for a second but returning back to their normal, tired form. Fuck it. i thought as i let go of her and walked away, i felt like a badass in that moment knowing i left her dumbfounded. (and yes, it was a cat walk) I walked away to lunch, a few minutes after i sat down i seen her walk in. A smirked formed on my face as she walked in, her eyes scanned for me, my smirk slowly faded as i seen Kat flag her down..

Just a fall flingWhere stories live. Discover now