smallest of miracles.

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"i'll be there soon!" i said as i quickly hung up, nothing went as planned after the pregnancy, practically everything changed! Audrey sold her iconic sports car for a black Toyota Highlander. besides me and Mae staying together, everything was chaotic.. we all graduated together. But Mae was the only one who followed through with the college plans, this was her first year in to be a therapist. Kat ended up graduating early and moving away to New York. Max and Audrey were suppose to go to Radford university but their plans were cut short by the little miracle Grayson. And obviously at first, Audrey's and Maxs parents were most definitely not on board with the idea of Mae getting pregnant before marriage. But lucky for them, today they were getting married. Max and Mae were now 18 and 19. She was close to her due date thank god! A lot has changed in these seven months, i've been taught love, patience, bittersweet memories, and last but not least..That high school doesn't last forever. Audrey asked me, kat, Annie, and a few other friends to be her brides maids. And Max asked some of his high school buddies to be his Best men. The theme for the bridesmaid dresses were lavender. I put on a long lavender dress with spaghetti straps. I quickly put on my white high heels and jumped in the car, i had to pick up Mae.

MAES POV: After Audrey announced her pregnancy life has been pretty rough, i had to coach Max through a lot and had to teach him patience. He proposed to her a few months after she told everyone, i personally thought everything was rushed but they were under a lot of pressure to get married before the baby was born. It was incredibly hard getting into harvard but i put in the effort and got in on scholarship! I loved watching Audrey's belly grow, i was so excited to meet my nephew. I put on a medium length lavender dress with rhinestones straps and strap high heels. I put my hair up in a bun. I stepped outside and waited on Annie to pick me up, I seen her new jeep grand Cherokee, im pretty sure she had her old red one somewhere. "hello beautiful!" she said as she let out a low whistle, i giggled and got in the car. She put her hand on my thigh and gently rubbed it while driving. We finally arrived at the church. they picked this specific church because of the flower field that was next to it. We parked and began walking in. the seats were a gorgeous lilac color and the arch way was wrapped with purple silk. People were everywhere! caterers everywhere! We went to find audrey, she was in the bathroom getting ready with Kats help, "Oh my gosh hi kat! i didn't realize you were gonna be able to make it!" i said whilst pinning Audrey's hair up. "i had to, i couldn't miss it!" after some chit chat and getting audrey ready the wedding officially started, the Bridal Chorus began playing as me, Kat, and Annie and some other brides mades followed behind audrey and her father. A few seconds after Max and his men came out. I tried not cry when i seen my big brother. I was beyond proud of him. "Dearly beloved, we are assembled here in the presence of God, to join this Man and this Woman Audrey prescott and max prescott in holy marriage; which is instituted of God, regulated by His commandments, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ, and to be held in honor among all men. Audrey do you take Max to be your lawfully wedded husband?" there was no hesitation with audrey "i do." her soft voice dripping like honey, "Max, do you take audrey to be your lawfully wedded Wife?" Max smiled and sniffled a bit "i do." the preacher nodded, "by the power invested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride." Max leaned in and kissed Audrey, the sound of camera shutters clicked from all around the room followed with clapping. It was now my turn to give a speech, i stood up and walked to the front. "Me and Audrey grew up as childhood best friends, and i remember Max always being around as well, always tormenting us when we were kids. Audrey liked Max for as long as i could remember, And truth be told, im sure Max liked her back but was scared. I watched these two grow up together and i seen the lows and the highs, the arguments and the fussing. I remember when audrey told me she was pregnant, i was so excited to be an aunt and was driven by so much love. And im glad 'you guys argue like a married couple' is now a reality." I nodded and went back to my spot. My speech was followed by laughter and applause a few other speeches were done and everything went well. It was now time for audrey to throw her bouquet. She turned around and prepared to throw the bouquet but instead of throwing it she handed it to me..I looked at her in confusion "what are you doing? i-" before i could finish i felt someone tap my shoulder i turned around and seen Annie on her knee with a gorgeous diamond ring "Mae Penelope Prescott, will you marry me?" tears began to flow "yes." i said as i nodded and hugged her. Everyone looked at us in shock, teary eyes and smiles looked back at us. A few hours pass and everyone has practically left besides me, max, audrey, Kat, and Annie. We sat in the flower field with drinks in hand, my head was rested on audrey's shoulder and Annie was laying in my lap while Max rested his chin on the top of Audrey's head. "guys, promise me no matter what we will always be the same friend group, through thick and thin." Audrey said, i smiled "promise." everyone spoke at the same time.

THAT WRAPS IT UP! i hope you enjoyed Just A fall Fling! there is one more chapter that just gives some cuts on the future of the group 🤍

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