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I tried my best to ignore Mae for the rest of the day. Ignoring her glances, her voice, just her. School finally let out and i was walking home with Audrey, "so um..i should- should tell you something.." i said with a nervous look, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "okay?" she said raising an eyebrow. "so Mae kissed me and-" a shocked gasp escaped from audrey, i awkwardly looked at her "but it wasn't what i wanted, she- she was drunk..she kissed me!" i muttered our quickly. She looked at me before sighing " are you like lesbian..?" she said. "no. im straight i just, she was drunk.." i said as i sped up my pace. We arrived at audrey's house, "hey i have a question! So about the road trip nonsense i was murmuring when i was drunk, i really think it would be a good idea! me, you, Max...and maybe...Mae?" she said with a goofy smile. I sighed "where could we even go?" i said with a raised eyebrow. she thought for a second before answering "We could go camping?" i looked at her before snickering, "oh! your being..serious?" i said with a skeptical look. she looked back at me with a smirk "say yes?" i thought for a moment before muttering an agreement. Audrey jumped up "Yay!! Let's call the others." First she called Max, and then called Mae..Awkward silence walked over the phone as Mae thought about it "fuck it, when are we leaving?" Audrey smiled as she heard that but i just looked away nervously. I was staying over at audrey's so we planned the trip allll night long. I had a volleyball game tomorrow so i ended up going to a sleep earlier than usual. I woke up to the blaring alarm. I groaned and got up, Audrey walked out of the bathroom, i guess she was already up for the day. "hey are you coming to my game?" i said with a smile. "Yeah sure, what time?" she said, i looked up to the clock. It started at 8:40am and it was 7:20..I quickly started to get dressed for the game and arrived..Not to mention, prom was tomorrow along with the road trip..I honestly lived a very busy life. i finally made it to the game and started to warm up, Suddenly the coach called us all in "listen ladies. we have to do our best! it's the first game up the season! good luck." we did our chant and got on the floor. We were a few points ahead. Only a few points away from winning. And suddenly, the buzzer went off! We won!! The entire team hugged each other. I felt accomplished.

MAES POV: We won!! I finally made it home after shopping, eating, and some more shopping, and spending time with Max, he took me out because i won the game but as soon as i got home i crashed.


I woke up to my phone alarm, i groaned and rolled out of bed. I began to pack for the road trip..I packed a few sweaters, shirts, shorts, jeans, and my converse, after i was done packing i got ready for school, I put my hair in a messy bun and put mom jeans on with a black blazer. I walked to school, everyone was talking about the prom and who they were going to ask. I originally was going to ask this boy from my class but i couldn't keep my mind away from Annie. I made a pit stop to the bathroom and started to stalk Annie on instagram, I mean i know i sounded like a stalker, but i just wanted to learn more about her. I thought about sending her a text but i was too scared. I eventually left the bathroom and got to class. I was tired and sore from the game but managed, i seen Annie. I looked at her in disgust. I still hated her, i was honestly just very drunk and hungover. that's it...but was there more to it than that..?

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