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Soojin Pov

I woke up to the sound of Shuhua arguing with Yuqi

I sighed do they always have to fight at 7 in the morning

I decided to get up since there would be no point in trying to go back to sleep with all of their loud shouts. I enter my closet and find an outfit to wear then I got to the bathroom and change, When I exit the bathroom I can still hear Yuqi and Shuhua arguing

All of a sudden its silent and I start to get scared, what if something horrible happened?

I run out to see what's going on afraid only to find out they were closing their eyes?

"Shuhua, Yuqi what are you guys doing?" I asked confused and worried

"Oh were just playing rock, paper, scissors in our head" Yuqi responded

I just roll my eyes "Really, what type of game is that?" I shook my head and went to the kitchen to make breakfast

"Whatever your just jealous me and Shuhua are having fun" Yuqi says before sticking her tongue out

I so badly wanted to smack her luckily Soyeon did it for me and I was so grateful. While I was creating pancakes I felt a hand wrap around my waist "Good morning Shu~" I giggled at Shuhua who was putting her chin on my shoulder but struggled to do so because I kept preventing her

"Jin jin-ah Good Morning, stop moving please, will you" Shuhua asked in a sweet soothing way it made my heart skip a beat, wait am I slowly dying OH NO this is bad what if I go into Cardiac Arrest

Girl Calm down its just you being Gay

Gay what! I'm straight though

We both know damn well that you ain't straighter than a line

What's that supposed to mean?

Why don't you figure it out on your own

But your my brain

Well not today

Before I responded to my thoughts I smelt something burning.... THE PANCAKES

I turned around to see Shuhua who tried to save the pancakes but failed

I took the burnt pancakes from her and threw it in the trash

"Sorry, i kept calling you but you were zoning out and I thought you turned the stove off." Shuhua looked down sad

"Its not your fault don't worry I'll just make a new one before we go for practice" I lifted up her chin and kissed her on the cheek

What the hell are you doing SEO SOOJIN go and create pancakes not kiss your crush

Sorry Sorry

I saw Shuhua blush "cute" I mumbled

"What?" Shuhua asked

"Nothing" I smiled at her and she smiled back

"Well while you two lovebirds are over there spending your time we have to eat breakfast so please do so thanks" Yuqi entered the kitchen with the others following her.

I could feel my face heating up in embarrassment so I turned around to prevent anyone from seeing and started to create new pancakes Shuhua just glared at Yuqi I found it quite funny.

After I made the pancakes we all ate in comfortable silence

Then Yuqi's alarm went off indicating we were going to be late

We all got up and headed out

Time skip to after practice________

"Okay guys great job we actually did well this time I know were gonna make it" Soyeon said to everyone

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