Love pt2

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Yuqi Pov
After breakfast me and Shuhua went to the mall, for some reason she wasn't acting like her usual giddy and happy self.

She was more distant and cold I wonder why?

Shuhua Pov
After breakfast I went to the mall with Yuqi I feel bad right now because I'm being distant with Yuqi because I might spill the secret.

"Yah! SHUHUA WE SHOULD GO OVER THERE!!" Yuqi was frantically pointing at the stuffed animal store

I almost couldn't believe my eyes their was a humongous stuffed bunny that resembled Yuqi's favorite bunny Gi Gi.

Of course this girl would go crazy if I didn't come with her, I don't mind tho I would do the same.

When we arrived in the shop their were so many stuffed toys to choose from, from animals to rockets the shop was massive.

Anyways Yuqi happily skipped to the Humongous Gi Gi and checked how much it was and I'm telling you her jaw dropped faster than inflation.

"SHU! LOOK! The price isn't even that much its only $1,316 krw (10 usd)" Yuqi said happily like she had just won the lottery

"Oh! That is so cheap we should buy it!" I told her and she ran to the cashier

"SHU! Just wait for me outside okay"


As I walked out of the store I got a notification on my phone, it was Soyeon

Soyeon (Yuqi's Wife)
Shu, are you done shopping?, the surprise is ready
Yea were almost done Yuqi is just buying another Gi Gi to add to her collection
😂 Okay text me when you guys get home
Okay unnie

After texting with Soyeon, Yuqi Finally and I mean finally because she took forever to buy another Gi Gi

3rd person

"Sorry, I took kinda long there was a pretty long line" Yuqi apologized

"You mean you trying to find accessories to go with your new edition" Shuhua side eyed

"😅 no...... okay maybe but still cmon Gi Gi is so cute and fluffy" Yuqi shot back

"Fine, well let's go now I wanna go home" Shuhua whined

"WhAt! We jUsT goT hERe" Yuqi said in a high pitched voice

"No we got here 30 minutes ago we were just strolling around, cmon" Shuhua sternly said

"Fine :(" Yuqi said defeated

Time skip........

"Yuqi! Babe, Hey Shu did you do anything fun?" Soyeon said before winking trying to signal something to Shuhua

"OH! Yea we bought another Gi Gi and we strolled around, well I'm gonna find Soojin now bye!" Shuhua ran to her room

"What's wrong with her? Soojin's in the kitchen" Yuqi said confused

"Oh don't worry about it, you should get ready, wear something nice or whatever you want were going out just the two of us" Soyeon said before walking to their shared room

Yuqi Pov
What should I wear? I thought to myself
Whenever its just me and Soyeon we usually stay home and wear pj's

I guess I should wear that new dress I bought
I went searching into my closet and finally found my new yellow dress

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