Mimin Final

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Love is such a powerful emotion that can either bring joy or sorrow.

"Good morning students today we will be presenting the projects that we started last Tuesday, who would like to go first?"

I wanted to go first but I felt a little shy. As I was about to raise my hand another student raised hers.

"Wonderful, Sana you may go first"

When sana finished I saw in the corner of my eye Tzuyu touched by her words.

"Who would like to go next"

I raised my hand to go

"Alright Minnie you may go"

"Good morning everyone, my project is called "Loving you changed me" its pretty short

Loving you changed me
When I first laid eyes on you I've never thought of anything but happiness. Someone would finally fill in this empty gap I feel inside. When I first approached you, your voice was gentle and soothing. After some time we became really good friends and we could talk for hours and hours on end. For me I could write paragraphs just for you.

You captivate me with your words. I love your beauty, talent, kindness, style and everything else. Your voice is majestic it puts me under a spell. Your eyes draw me into them. Your beauty is captivating.

Maybe one day you would know how I feel.

After I finished reading I looked up to see my teacher crying and some students who were touched with my work bawling their eyes out.

"That. That was a masterpiece, might I ask who it was for?"

"Oh, um I don't think I want to share that information"

"That's alright you may sit down"

"Thank you"

"Who would like to go next" the teacher asked no one raised their hands

"I completely understand, we'll continue this tomorrow, with that class is dismissed"

"Your presentation was touching" Miyeon said

"It was I'm still crying after hearing that" Shuhua said before clinging onto Soojin

"Thanks guys"

"Who was it even for?" Soyeon asked

"If I told you, it'll be awkward."

"What do you mean that was like hearing a sad story why would it be awkward?" Yuqi responded

I took a quick breath and looked at Miyeon for a quick second. In that second it was like the world had stopped just for me and her.

I whispered "her" just beneath my breath but Yuqi managed to hear it

"Her?" Yuqi questioned "who?, wait don't tell me."

"Miyeon?" Yuqi whispered and I nodded

Yuqi looked so proud after finding out and started cheering

"What! What?" Shuhua whisper-yelled

"Minnie likes Miyeon" Yuqi whispered before the two started giggling together

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