Yuyeon Final

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I've been inspired thank you @itzyyejilia

"5, 6, 7, 8 Again! 1, 2, 3, 4.... 5, 6, 7... STOP!" Soyeon's voice echoed through the dance room.

The members exhausted, could not let even a word out in fear of passing out in front of her.

"S- Soyeon." Yuqi finally started as she was catching her breath "Can... we please take a break?" Yuqi pleaded

"No" Soyeon said firmly

Wondering why there practically almost dying?
Well the group has another world tour, not only that they have several music banks and fan meetings on top of everything.

The group can't afford to make a mistake on stage they needed to hit the headlines, and Soyeon being the intimidating leader during practices was not gonna let her ideas fail her.

"Alright 2 minute break then were back." Soyeon was tired everyone could tell, But she would never admit that.

2 minutes later
"Okay guys back to practicing" Soyeon jumped back up from sitting on the cold floor

The other members sighed

Yuqi on the other hand didn't move an inch

"Yah, were gonna get in trouble get up" Shuhua called

No reply

"Yuqi are you okay?" Shuhua began to panic but didn't show it

"Shuhua just like leave her for a little longer maybe she just needs a couple seconds" Minnie said before she walked to her position

Shuhua obliged and was about to leave when yuqi grabbed Shuhuas arm really hard to lift herself up

"Yah!, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Shuhua's voiced boomed in the room

"Sorry" Shuhua apologized

"I can't, I can't" That was all Shuhua heard before Yuqi collapsed in her arms

"SOYEON" Shuhua yelled frantic

"What?!" Soyeon walked over only to see Yuqi knocked out in Shuhuas arms

"Everyone practice is cancelled we'll try again umm.. next week, Im sorry I overworked you guys" Soyeon said before trying to wake Yuqi up

It was no use Yuqi had been so over worked her body felt numb and in so much pain at the same time.

"Shuhua you should get some rest I'll bring Yuqi back" Soyeon said trying to take Yuqi out of Shuhuas grip

"But we live-" Shuhua immediately understood and left with the others

When the members left Soyeon carried Yuqi and called their manager saying she'll be going home in an uber.

In Soyeons mind

"S-soyeon" Yuqi voiced out

"YUQI!" Soyeons face lit up in an instant when she heard Yuqi

Meanwhile with the others
"Don't you think its weird how we live together but she says she'll bring Yuqi home" Shuhua said

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