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"MINNIE UNNI!" Yuqi yells with high energy as she runs towards Minnie

"YUQI!!" Minnie shares the energy and they hug each other

After a few seconds of hugging Yuqi lets go and runs towards Soyeon

"MY LOVE!!!" Yuqi shouts before realizing what she had just said

"Uh- um SOYEON!"

"Hi love" Soyeon says rather calmly causing Yuqi's heart rate to escalate the two then hug

After their long hug Yuqi lets go to hug the other members








Yuqi dodges Shuhua and hugs Soojin but only for a quick second as she knows Shuhua is gonna tackle her if she hugged Soojin any longer.



The two best friends hug and embrace each other even tho Yuqi knows Shuhua is making funny faces behind her back as they hug

You may be wondering why Im hugging my bestest friends and my crush. Well I just arrived back from China after some time off.

(Yuqi broke through the fourth wall 😅)

"Yah! Yuqi cmon I have to give you something."

"Coming!" Yuqi lets Shuhua go and follows Soyeon

Soyeon briefly stops and stands for a little

"Why? Why?" Yuqi questioned in confusion

"Look" Soyeon pulls out a necklace with both their initials together

Yuqi is speechless, her crush did all this for her and now she was on the verge of tears

"Don't cry" Soyeon said

"Their happy tears" Yuqi responded

"Okay, want me too put it on for you?"

"Of course"


"Voila" Soyeon says very proud of her work



"Thank you" Yuqi pulls Soyeon closer and kisses her

"Your welcome darling" Soyeon said in between the kiss

Meanwhile... Sooshu and Mimin viewing the scene

"You should kiss me like that" Shuhua pouts

"I always do though" Soojin confidently says unaware of what she had confessed

"ALWAYS!!" Both Miyeon and Minnie in shock

"Yea...." Soojin says

Minnie sees Miyeon sulking so she decides to do the same she cups Miyeon's face and kisses her

"Yah!, not in front of me!!" Shuhua shouts

Soojin drags Shuhua away a little farther to where the others were

Shuhua just pouts before saying "Lucky" just above a whisper but Soojin heard it

Shuhua wanted to say something more but was caught off gaurd by Soojin crashing her lips onto hers

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