Yuyeon |M|

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How to make your crush fall in love with you

Step 1- meet the person that makes your heart flutter and gives you butterflies

Step 2- Become close with each other

Step 3- Create certain boundaries

Step 4- Allow them to break those boundaries in a good way

Step 5- Enter their heart and send them back the feelings

Step 6- Live happily ever after never break the bond or their heart

Step 7- Always try to understand each other

Step 8- Listen to each others problems and give advice to both even if it will hurt

Step 9- Trust one another

Step 10- Allow them to have friends

Step 11- Make sure to not fight, if ever try to fix i

Step 12- Make time for each other and if not possible do something to make up for it

Step 13- If fight ever gets out of hand sleep in separate rooms and contemplate

"That seems pretty easy honestly" Soyeon thought to herself as she is thinking these thoughts a taller figure comes out of the bathroom wearing Pajama's

"Soyeon!" Yuqi shouts before jumping on Soyeon to which Soyeon could swear she felt the weight toppling onto her "Yah!, get off of me your heavy" Soyeon whisper yells as she knows her roommates are sleeping. Soyeon shares a dorm with five other people Cho Miyeon, Kim Minnie, Yeh Shuhua, Song Yuqi, and Seo Soojin her roommate is Song Yuqi to which is loud, hyper, energetic and bestfriends with Yeh Shuhua

Before Soyeon is about to say something again she feels Yuqi nuzzling into her neck "Soyeon good night" Yuqi says before falling asleep Soyeon found this really cute and funny but did not want to disturb the sleeping goddess so she decided to drift off and join the sleeping goddess

The next morning Yuqi's alarm went off at 4:30am waking not only Soyeon and Yuqi but her roommates they all groaned at the sound of the alarm forced to get up they do so. Yuqi feels bad because she knows that her roommates work really hard including her so she decides she would buy drinks for them when they got back after practice

Time skip to after practice

"Guys, I'm heading out I'll be back in a couple minutes" Yuqi screams across the room in order for the tired members to know. "Where are you going" Soyeon questioned Yuqi "I'm just gonna buy some drinks don't worry" Yuqi reassures Soyeon "Okay" Soyeon says before going into her room

Yuqi Pov

I entered the closest store near our dorm and went to buy the girls their favorite drink, I choose Hot chocolate for Shuhua, Mint Chocolate chip for Soyeon, Coffee for Soojin, Iced Americano for myself, Green tea for Minnie and another Iced Americano for Miyeon. After I had paid the kind cashier and went back to the dorms.

While walking home I felt a presence one that was unknown to me. I was afraid that it would get closer so I ran as fast as I could go back to the dorms. In the midst of running I could feel the figure trying to get closer and closer so I forced myself to run even faster I believe I ran almost more than 30mph I didn't even have time to use the elevator as soon as someone opened the door to the entrance I sprinted like crazy rushing past them. Then I saw the same figure still chasing me so I skipped 2-3 steps each to save myself precious time, and as soon as I reached the entrance of the dorm I almost broke the door knob but luckily Minnie opened the door before I did so.

I rushed in and slammed the door shut with my foot causing a loud sound to echo all over the dorm and waking Shuhua and Soojin the couple I shipped prior to Minnie and Miyeon.

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