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Shuhua Pov
"You shouldn't be here"

"You stupid piece of shit"

"Your so stupid you know that"

"What? Huh, wait whats going on?" I asked

"Why are you acting like this is there something wrong?" I continued dumbfounded

"Theres nothing wrong with us its you, all you do is be a burden for us"

"Your worthless you know that right."

"What... what do you mean, I thought we were a team a Family"

"We are a team and a family but you're not included"

"Wait please Im sorry for whatever I did please don't abandon me, your all that I have PLEASE!"


"Soyeon, Soojin.... Yuqi?"

They all turned their heads away from me

"Minnie?.... Miyeon..."


"Im sorry" the tears flowed down my eyes rapidly flowing like a rushing river

I felt abandoned by my own family, people I called my family

"Hey, wake up"

Huh? Wake up?

"Hey! Shu wake up! WAKE UP!"

I arose out of the horrible nightmare, I had thought it was reality but it seems it was merely a dream, and unpleasant one indeed.

Beads of sweat drip from my neck.

In front of me was Soojin, one of the people I trusted the most.

"Hey calm down I'm here"

Calm down?!

"No.... You don't understand what you're talking about"

"What happened talk to me, I'll listen"

"Will you?"

"Yes I will, now tell me what happened"

"I had a nightmare, a very bad one"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"Well...." I looked away before continuing "everyone was there except you weren't happy to see me" I felt tears starting to form but I held them back

"You-" I sighed heavily "You guys called me a burden and worthless like I was nothing, and even when I turned to you and everyone else you all turned away"

"Your not a burden or worthless" Soojin stood up and sat near the edge of the bed

"Look, Shuhua your capable of doing anything, you can sing, dance and even stun me everytime with your beauty, I'm not saying this to be cheesy or anything what I'm saying is real"

I just kept silent waiting for her to finish

"You can do all of these things don't listen to the negatives, might I say myself people say negative things to me all the time"

"Like what?"


"Kill yourself"

"Theres something on your face ugliness"

"You have no talent"

I stopped her

"Who said that"

"Its not about-"

"Who said that" I cut her off once more

"The haters"

"I'll beat them up, who said that a talented goddess like you has not talent" I said furious

I saw Soojin's cheeks turn a bright red color

"Thank you but its not about me its about you, How about this think of it like a game if you let them win then you lose all your hard work"

"Now do you want to lose love?"


Not missing the sudden nickname Shuhua turned a bright red

Never has Soojin called her "love" mostly just "Shu shu" at most

Shuhua Pov

"No Losing!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumping up and down then hugging Soojin causing the others to enter

Soyeon spoke up first

"Are you okay?" "What happened"

"Soyeon!!!!" I jumped out of Soojins embrace and jumped onto Soyeon almost toppling over her

"Sorry, Im okay I just had a bad nightmare"

"You good?" Yuqi popped her head in

"Yep!" I hugged Soyeon one last time before tackling Yuqi into a teddy bear hug

"YAH!" She laughs

I laughed with her, Gosh what would happen if they abandoned me

As soon as I thought this my face went blank

"Shu?" Minnie called

"Shu." Miyeon called out this time

"Shu shu?" Soojin called out

I could hear my name being called but I couldn't locate where it was coming from, the room was pure white filled with nothing but the sound of my own name being called

I quickly got out of Yuqi's grasp which confused me wasn't she just here?

Yuqi Pov

"Shu?" Minnie called out

"Shu." Miyeon called out

"Shu shu?" Soojin finally called out

I looked at her and she was spacing out she got out of my embrace and looked even more puzzled

She turned to Soyeon then to Minnie and Miyeon with just a blank expression and walked past them towards.....


We rushed to stop her but she was running? FAST

I ran top speed and caught ber hand and choose my last resort talking to her in Chinese

"Shu! What are you doing, I thought you were happy?! What is this!!"

It seemed to work as she no longer had a blank expression but a confused fearful and teary expression

I was in pain to see her like this

She slowly got off the edge of the balcony and started crying

I hugged her and let her tears stain my sweatshirt

"Yuqi? B-but you disappeared?"


The others came running in and hugged her

"What happened" Minnie asked with tears flowing from her face

Shuhua wiped the tears and apologized

"Shu what really happened" I looked at her and I could see fear swimming in her eyes

"I don't know after I hugged you, you just disappeared I got scared I could hear you guys calling my name but couldn't find you guys so I panicked" She started

I could see her struggling to look at anyone properly

"I... I saw the balcony and ran towards it but then something stopped me, and then that's all before I heard you talking to me" She sighed but I could still see her trembling a little

Shuhua Pov

"What type of nightmare did you have?!" Minnie asked me

"A horrible one" I replied

"What was in your dream?"

"You guys called me a burden and worthless and stupid"

"Then we left didn't we"


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