Leaving Earth

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Percy left Olympus easily enough. He had managed to slip past any sentries that were placed, and he sent a silent prayer of thanks to Artemis. The night sky was dark and cloudy, with not a single star in sight to shine any light.

He moved through Manhattan silently and quickly, trying his best not to attract any unwanted attention.

That all changed when he ran into a gang. Alarm bells went off in his head. He was in pain; he wouldn't be able to take all of them in a fistfight without giving them serious injuries, or hurting himself. He didn't have time. He needed to leave.

Every single person was built like quarterbacks or professional fighters, and they all looked mortal. None of them seemed to have a problem with Percy, until he started to walk through the alleyway. Something told him he needed to go that way, and he knew it was the best shortcut. The gang thought differently. Percy must have missed a signal between the gang, because he was shoved back the moment he took a step forward.

(TW- Slightly offensive language. I tried not to swear too much.)

"What do you want from here, you fucking retard?"

Percy immediately put on his wolf glare. The guy took a step back, but he knew if he wanted to pass a glare wouldn't be enough. He could smell the drugs they were using, although he had no idea what drug was what. All he knew was that these lot reeked. The smell was similar to those Gabe took. The drugs that gave Gabe seemingly endless strength and energy. The dangerous kind. And Riptide wouldn't even work on this lot.

"I'm just passing. I mean no harm." He raised his hands in the universal sign of innocence. Percy couldn't afford to get into a fight.

"Stay back, bitch. Unless you want to fight." A taller one, less built, growled.

Percy smiled sweetly at them and they looked a little bit disoriented at Percy's sudden change of demeanour. Then Percy again held his arms up in a sort of surrender. "I told you, I don't want to fight. I just wanna go home. It's just across this alleyway. There no point taking a 20 minute walk around New York when it can take me less than 2, you know what I mean?" His tone was so entirely diplomatic that's he could practically feel Aphrodite patting him on the back.

"You saying you want to fight, punk? Fine, have it your way you fucking dipshit."

Before Percy could blink, a right hook came straight for his face. He blocked the punch and then grabbed the arm, twisting it slightly and then driving the man into the floor. He stepped over that man, who was currently writhing in pain while holding his wrist, and took a defensive stance. The man got back up, with anger burning in his eyes.

It was then that Percy realised that he had no advantage in this fight. He had his battle reflexes, but most of these lot were on drugs. They wouldn't feel it unless he hit hard. He sighed and brought his duffel bag closer to his body.

What he didn't expect was to see knives. One of the guys moved and grabbed a knife and Percy just about glimpsed what was behind him. There was a girl. There was a girl, naked and curled up behind them.

Percy visioned burned red. That's why they didn't let him pass. 2 guys came up to him at once, one with a knife and one without. Percy couldn't risk being grounded, but that wasn't the slightest of his worries. Adrenaline coursed through his veins - and anger didn't do anything to stop him. The guy with a knife lunged at him and Percy side stepped, and threw a punch at the unarmed guy instead. He was met with a fist straight to the ribs and groaned, before ducking away from the knife and tackling the man with the knife. He grabbed the man's legs, hooked his hands underneath the knees, and pulled him down, kicking his side and moving quickly, not staying in one place. The unarmed man smiled before charging at Percy. Percy blocked the punches, but they didn't stop. So he kicked and then wrapped an arm around the man's torso before flinging him over his shoulder in a perfect shoulder throw.

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