The Power

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Annoyance flitted over Chaos' face. He looked every bit concerned for Percy, but also mildly inconvenienced.

Percy bristled. "What are you thinking about so intently?"

Chaos narrowed his eyes at Percy. "That you guys finally need to accept my blessing and take up the mantle of my Elite."

Percy's mouth clamped shut under Chaos' scrutinizing glare. He couldn't respond to something he'd promised to do but didn't. Instead, Luke saved him. "Chaos, I don't think we're ready yet. Maybe another... few millennia? Give or take."

Chaos turned his glare to Luke, causing the latter to smile sheepishly. "Luke, my last Elite were blessed before they even became the Elite. The only reason I couldn't find Percy is because he doesn't have my blessing. By blessing you all, it won't just increase your power. It'll create a bond between me and you guys, which is important if I want to start sending you to cross-galaxy missions."

"Cross-galaxy? Come on, that's so last year." Ethan said, rolling his one eye.

Michael snorted not so subtly from behind him, while being elbowed in the side by a serious-faced Bianca.

Chaos, if anything, looked more annoyed. "The fact that someone got to Percy, despite me and him always being together," A almost inaudible 'No shit' interrupted, but Chaos continued ignoring the remark, "meaning that whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing. It wasn't a once-off random kidnapping. It was powerful, ancient magic, and I will not have you all prancing around unprotected."

"But we aren't." Percy said.

"Remind me who got kidnapped again, Princess?"

"It's not like I planned on it!"

"Princess?" Michael asked, an amused expression on his face.

"That was one time, di immortales." Percy sighed.

"You did make an absolutely stunning princess if I do say so myself. I would've never known you weren't a girl if you hadn't—" Chaos pondered.

Percy interrupted him with a scathing look. "We are not talking about this."

"You want to talk about the blessings then?" Chaos arched his perfect eyebrows. Percy resisted the urge to punch the Creator's too pretty face, knowing from experience it'd be worse for his hand than Chaos' face.

Before anyone else could speak and change the topic again, Chaos turned to address the whole room. "Why won't you accept the blessings?"

"I honestly don't mind." Silena said. Beckendorf had an arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder as he replied, "Me neither. You said it'd only give us as much power as our bodies can hold, so it probably won't be too much." He shrugged (well, as much as one can shrug with their head resting on their girlfriends shoulder.)

Bianca answered next, pushing back a loose strand of hair, "As long as it can recover my memories from the Lotus Casino."

Michael nodded along to what Bianca said, before realising what she said didn't suffice as an excuse for him. "Er... yeah?"

Chaos sighed at him, but didn't ask. He turned to the four heroes of old, who just entered. "How was the mission?"

"You'd think that Achilles and Patroclus would lay off the flirting with an audience so big, but they've only got eyes for each other that they were even hitting on each other while fighting a war. I think I need to rinse my eyes and ears out with bleach. Really strong one." Jason (from the original Argonauts) said, rubbing at his eyes childishly.

"You're just miserably single." Achilles snickered.

Jason threw him a withering glare, before turning to Partroclus and pointing an accusatory finger, "You, control your boyfriend."

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