The Blessings

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Hey!!! It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry that this was posted later than promised, my wattpad glitched and didn't publish the chapter :/ I lost half of it and had to rewrite.

I love and thank everyone for supporting me with this book so far. I'm incredibly grateful. I wrote approximately 50 words for this during the couple months I spent on hiatus. I would've preferred to stay on hiatus longer - but I've decided that I will continue this and just edit it on the way. Altho I didn't spend much time writing, I had an awfully unholy amount of time to daydream... so expect pain and tears in the coming Chapters.

Also, I've got a Physics test tomorrow which I am flopping :) *dies inside*


Chaos' eyes widened after hearing the scream, but he placed his hand on Percy's forehead, shutting his eyes and muttering a prayer. Percy's body immediately stopped writhing, instead thudding lifelessly before Percy slowly regained consciousness.

Percy's hand reached for the side of his outer thigh, almost on reflex, before he found what he was looking for and sighed.

Chaos narrowed his eyes at Percy. "What was that?"

Percy's eyes widened slightly, but he shrugged it off. "What do you mean?"

"That." Chaos said, pointing at Percy's hand, which had just fluttered over his thigh.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

From somewhere behind Chaos, Michael was aggressively mouthing something at Percy, but it seemed that even his eyes were dyslexic. He couldn't, for the life of him, even hope to understand what Michael was trying to tell him. So, he shrugged.

Chaos, once again, narrowed his eyes at Percy. "We heard the scream. And then saw you immediately touch your thigh. Do you have anything to tell us, Percy?"

Percy panicked for a split-second, before speaking. "Nightmares. It was a memory from Tartarus."

It wasn't a lie, per se. It was a nightmare. But it wasn't a memory from Tartarus. It was a visit. Tartarus had managed to get one of the Arai to curse Percy and he guessed that it was the side effect.

"Since when have you had these nightmares?"

Percy paused. Had he had nightmares from the start?

"I don't know."

Chaos sighed. "One of you is fusing with Kronos, the other is terrorised by Tartarus. Common sense be damned, do I look like a barnyard animal to you guys? I'm the Creator of the fucking Universe. I can do literally anything. Did it ever occur to either of you that if you bothered telling me, maybe, just maybe, I'd be able to fix it? Or no? Did it not occur to you that if I created the world it means I created everything inside of it?"

Percy looked incredulously at Luke. "You're fusing with Kronos? Since when?"

Luke copied Percy's tone, but sarcastically. "You're being terrorised by Tartarus? Since when? We all have our secrets. Some weren't meant to be found out." Luke said, glaring at Chaos.

Chaos rolled his eyes. "Right. My bad. I'll just let you both give your souls up because you both have quarter of a braincell each."

"Then who has the other half?" Luke asked, unable to resist the urge.

Chaos glared back in response. "Listen, I'll let you two be stupid." He sounded faintly upset, even under the anger. "But the blessings are now non-negociable."

Patroclus tapped Chaos' shoulder nervously. "How will the blessing work? I don't know if you've forgotten or something, but I am basically 100 percent mortal or like a great great great great grandson of Prometheus, although I don't think that counts."

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