The Underworld

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"So, what you're saying is that I have to go sneak them out of the Underworld myself?" Annoyance laced Percy's tone as he sent a withering glare in Chaos's direction.

"Yep." Chaos said, popping the 'p', completely unaffected by Percy's gaze. "If I start meddling in petty matters of the Gods and mortals, it'll cause, well, chaos." He chuckled at his own pun.

"You're the dumbest immortal I've ever had the displeasure to meet." Percy sighed exasperatedly, running his hands through his hair.

"Now that's not very nice, princess."

"Quit it with the princess thing! That was once!"

Chaos smirked, pulling Percy closer by the waist. "Well, I think you made a lovely princess. Even in disguise."

Percy promptly elbowed Chaos in the ribs, muttering something about 'dumb creators' while motioning for Chaos to create a portal for him.

Chaos smiled fondly and waved his hand, bringing a portal into existence. It looked pretty much like a gaping black hole with purple outlines, and Percy hated the way it made his inside churn. (Secretly, he loved the chill it sent down his spine, and the hit of dopamine it gave him, but he wouldn't be caught dead admitting that.)

Percy stepped through, involuntarily shivering at the sudden temperature drop. He appeared outside of Elysium, blinking furiously at the brightness of it compared to the rest of the Underworld around him.

He silently pushed open the Gates of Elysium, making sure to slip in unnoticed by the guards. He sensed the presence of water nearby, and made his way towards it slowly, scanning the faces of the souls he passed. Many people looked as if they knew him, with the way they would turn and whisper to the people they were with. With a sharp breath, Percy realised that they probably did know him. It hadn't occurred to him how many years would've passed on earth, or how many demigods from the past wars knew him. Luckily for him, his face was covered by a hood (courtesy of Chaos) and it was enchanted. There was no way they could see his face.

In his stupor, Percy missed the sound of a blade being unsheathed until he felt the metal against his neck.

"I don't know who you are, but you'd better start explaining."

Percy grinned. For the first time, the Fates were on his side. He slowly turned around, addressing the voice as he did so. "I'm hurt that you don't recognise me, Ethan." Percy slightly lifted his hood, locking eyes with the one-eyed demigod.

"It's ... not possible. Your soul should have been here long ago. You can't be here now - you're not dead. Who are you really?"


"Stop masking your voice! You sound exactly like-"

"Percy Jackson?"

"Yes." Ethan eyed Percy's hooded figure suspiciously.

"I promise that I'll explain. But I need to find the some other demigods."

"So you are Percy?" Ethan probed.


Ethan shrugged, following Percy, which probably wasn't smart since Percy had virtually no sense of direction. Apparently there weren't water molecules in the air in the Underworld.

"Who else are you looking for?" Ethan asked, and Percy noted that he hadn't sheathed his blade yet. Smart kid.

"Luke. Bianca. Silena. Beckendorf. Michael. The rest I'll drag Chaos down to find."

"Chaos? The same Chaos Luke has been complaining about? The stalker?"

Percy was surprised. "You've met Luke?"

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