Becoming an Elite

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Do you know what it feels like to fade? To live but not be alive, to feel your heart beat but it's pulse is just a reflex? To breathe but feel hollow inside? That's what Percy felt. He rose ranks quickly, but felt empty inside. His fatal flaw stopped attacking him, but honestly? He hadn't made any friends. He was lost, and was hurting inside and he didn't know how to fix it. Today was his duel. His final duel. After this, Percy would join the Elite.

He didn't know what had possessed him. Immortality seemed amazing at the start. He could live and breathe and sleep and laugh... but he was miserably lonely. Rumours of his past life had spread around like wildfires, but no one knew exactly who he was. He was an enigma; a puzzle for them to solve. They didn't want to be his friends.

He checked his cloak, making sure his hood covered his face. He carefully stepped into the ring, unsheathing his dual swords, making sure to stay alert. The lady in front of him was powerful. Her code name was Queen. She was the deadliest of the Elite - by a long shot. If she hadn't been drunk on power, she would've made a formidable opponent.

She raised her hands, creating a almost clear forcefield around them. It crackled with electricity, making the hairs on Percy's arm stand up. Her face was contorted into a cocky sneer. He waited for her to make the first move. It was always smart to attack once and attack hard. If Percy charged her now the duel would be far longer than needed.

So, for a whole minute, he waited.

And then he felt it. The smallest of tremors under his feet. Small cracks broke through under him, and I moved right before the place where I was standing had a gaping hole. She had made our fighting area smaller. There was no way I would be getting over the chasm behind me, back to my side of the arena.

(A/N - I wa a halfway through editing this from first person to third person, I'm really sorry coz I left it incomplete)

I charged first, swinging my left sword and holding the right closer for defence. She swung a dagger, the blade gleaming green with poison. I deflected the blade and stepped back, letting her charge at me, but she wasn't stupid enough to walk into the chasm. Instead, she pulled out a sword from its sheath and twisted my wrist, forcing me to drop my left sword. She summoned shadow warriors with a flick of her wrist, commanding them to corner me.

I'd seen these type before. The only thing that would kill them is their host dying, or light. There was no way I'd reach her in time.

What would Annabeth do?

I froze for a second, forcing back a wave of nausea at that thought. She was gone from my life. She almost killed me. I didn't need her.

I summoned water, silently willing half of it to form into ice surrounding us, and half of it to pass through the electric force field.

Everything started at once. My ice formed into a mirroring sheet and started to burn through the Shades, whose long talons clawed at me, aggressively trying tear my flesh. I stepped back carefully, piercing one of them in the chest, even if I knew it wouldn't do anything. The water which I had sent to carry the electric shock felt uncomfortable to control, but I forced it to move closer to Queen. I watched as the Shades crumbled to fine dust, not being able to withstand the light reflecting off of the ice. Me and Queen circled around each other, like a predator assessing it prey. I slowly sent the water trailing up her body, forcing it to become almost vaporous. Her eyes were frozen onto me, watching my every move, and watching her shadow warriors fall.

The last creature crumbled and I forced the water through the Elite's throat, smiling in glee as she screamed. She thrashed in pain, clawing at her throat, caught completely off-guard. Her vision was gone by now - the electric shock would've her fried her optical nerves first. I placed my blade close to her throat, clanging it against my armour first. It would let her hear how close it was to her. It was making a horribly loud sound, but I wasn't stupid enough to put my blade against her skin, especially considering I was the one who put the electric shock in the water.

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