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Asia POV

"I don't know, ask baby." I shrugged.

"You ask." He pointed.

"You can't ask for me?"

"You grown." He laughed sharply.

"Whatever." I sighed. "Will it be okay if I get a shot and a lemon drop."

"I thought you were just getting wine?"

"I change my mind." I waved him off. "Make that a double shot please..."

"Okay." She laughed. "Your appetizers are coming out." I nodded.

"Terry you don't have to make a big deal about everything I ask you to do for me. If I want you to ask why can't you do it? It's not going to kill you but if it was a guy waiter you would've not even let me speak one word." I shook my head.

"You act like you don't know how to talk or articulate. You are very capable."

"I know but sometimes I want my man to speak and order and take charge." I scoffed. "Whatever I don't feel like this shit so I will let it go."

"Please do." He shook his head and I took a deep breath.

Don't not punch this bitch in his face.

I don't like him sometimes. He really is a bitch who loves to argue about everything. EVERYTHING.

My phone started ring and I gladly answered.

"Hey dad."

"Hey baby, you wanna come out today?"

"Yes, I would love to get out and get some fun."

"I also need to talk to you about something."

"What is it? Is everything okay?" I watched Terry scroll on his phone.

"Yea for the most part. Have you spoke to your mom?"

"You know I don't talk to her."

"Well maybe you should. Your mom isn't a horrible person Asia, I feel like you would actually like her." I chuckled. "I am serious."

"Okay dad what is this about?"

"Nothing, just wanna see my daughters but Dana has me block of course."

"Do you want me to call her?"

"If you could that would be great."

"Hold on."

"Okay." I went to my contacts and called Dana.

"Wussup?" She answered and just from her voice I could tell she was just waking up.

"I didn't mean to wake you but dad wants to go out today."

"I am hanging out with Malik and the family today so I can't make it." I sighed.

"You can't be mad forever."

"I am not mad, I don't care. I am good." I rolled my eyes.

She is back in her own little world, feeling like everybody's against her when you really nobody is against her. We just want the best for her.

" you have to let that go." The waiter say my drink and shot infront of me. "Thank you." I mouthed and instantly threw back my shot and sipped the the lemon drop as a quick chaser.

" it's a lot of shit that you need to let go that you don't wanna let go... So why do you expect me to let shit go that shouldn't be let go.
I have let a lot of shit come and go when it comes to him. I have sacrificed myself and my morals so much. I'm not letting shit go until I feel like I'm justified or I feel like letting it go."

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