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Asia POV

"Hey." I walked up to Zhafir.

"Wussup?" He hopped out his car and grabbed Ri'ja out her car seat. " she can eat Whole Foods, but you have to blend it up a little bit. She still drinks, milk, and she likes apple juice. I already have it in the bag, no soda, no juice, other than what is in the bag. She likes cheese curls I have them in the bag as well."

"Hey baby." I kissed her cheek. "Mommy missed you baby. Look at your hair, you are so cute."

"She doesn't cry, she is a happy baby so there isn't too much. You have to worry about, she uses the bathroom regularly." I nodded.

"Can you help me carry this upstairs." He nodded.

"Si I am going take this up and I'll be back."


"Hey Sierra."

"Wussup." we went on our way.

We walked in the house and he sat the bag on the counter.

"Yo yo yo."

"Old man, what you doing here?"

"I live here man." I laughed.

"Awe man, you fucked up."

"I know." He chuckled. "These young bitches is crazy." I laughed.

"You are a mess, now you lost your family man." Asia walked up with Ri'ja and she reached for me.

"Baby you wanna take off your jacket."

"Dada." She cheesed showing her teeth.

"Oh my gosh look at you." I took her. "Pickle." I took off her jacket.

"Look at my baby." Lenny took her. "Hey poppop baby." She recognized him and started giggling. " I was just telling Asia yesterday, we need to start having her more. The route we were going she wasn't even going to remember me in about a year."

" yeah, whenever you want to if I can, she can come see you guys and stay. I mean that is her mom, but it's more of an adult decision. So that would be a conversation that me and her have to have. OK I got my girl in the car so I got to get on my way." I kissed Ri'ja. " if you have any questions or anything just called me. I'm going to answer."

" oh, I thought I was blocked. I have been calling you for weeks."

" how would you be blocked if I answered the other day. I just be doing shit." I shrugged.

" I needed some advice, we did say that we were going to remain friends, right?" I nodded.

" you are trying to play these mind games, if you want to be friends, we can be friends, but you're not gonna be nice and nasty to me. I'm happy, I'm at peace, I am having so much fun and I got high spirits. I don't need a Debbie downer in my life."

" I am not going to be that, I have never been the Debbie downer." I looked at her and she laughed. " why do you guys act like I was such a horrible person? There's something about me that made you love me for those two almost 3 years. I wasn't that horrible."

" that is true, you were very up-and-down, but good moments with you were great moments. The problem started when the good moments became shorter and shorter." She rolled her eyes. "And it felt like the bad moments were never ending."

" I was not horrible to you and I hate that you make it seem that way. I love you well I loved you." She corrected herself. " you were even willing to get back with me before you figured out that I was with Terry. So stop acting like you are just so over me and you are never going to double back up you still love me and I still love you."

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