Long Story Short

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I'm coming home. Don't tell Noah.

I sent that text to Nick after I bought my plane ticket that night. I spent twenty minutes typing out a resignation email to my boss before hitting send and closing the laptop for the night. I turned to my closet and pulled my suitcase from it. I laid it in the floor and flipped it open. I stared at the empty suitcase without contemplation of changing my mind. I was making the right decision this time. I know that for sure now. I began piling my clothes inside and moved things around to make room, it would be a tight fit but it was going to work one way or another.

When I got done crying in the open door I told my mom, who had been there to hold me while I cried that I was leaving. I think she's more excited that I am, she called this a romantic comedy ending. Only I know it's not the ending, this is the new beginning. After closing my suitcase I went to take a shower and get ready to attempt to sleep. I had to try even though I know it'll be a failed attempt.

After my shower, now dressed and ready for sleep I climbed into my bed and laid back. There it is, that fucking ceiling again, only now it didn't bother me. I'm on the brink of righting one of my biggest wrongs. That ceiling doesn't have shit on me. Sleep came eventually, but was short lived by my alarm going off. I hoped out of bed and changed into leggings and a oversized t shirt. Yes I know, I should dress nicer to confess my love for Noah in hopes of him taking me back. But I also had to spend all day traveling to do so, so I'm going for comfort. I met my mom downstairs, she insisted on driving me to the airport, so I'm letting her. It'll be nice to have a final few moments with her.

"Are you ready?" She asked trying to hold back a Cheshire grin behind her coffee cup. I nodded my head as I smiled myself.

"So fucking ready." I confirmed.

"Let's get this girl to the airport then." She announced, setting down her coffee cup and rounding the kitchen island. We exited the house together and headed for the frost covered car. Climbing in the car the reality of my situation hit me. I'm going to see him again. It's happening, I'm making a life changing decision, again. Fuck it. The drive to the airport was quiet and without traffic, it was peaceful. I turned to look at my mom. She's beautiful, even though she agonizes over stupid wrinkles, her smile is everything; kind, caring, and smart. She's everything I aspire to be; I just hope one day I can be a mom like her.

The car lurched back as she put it in park outside the airport, she parked not far from where I had dropped off Nick just weeks ago. "Thank you for everything." I broke the silence. "You shouldn't have to be a parent to your twenty-four year old, I'm sorry." The words came out awkwardly

She smiled at me before she spoke, taking my hand in hers "sweetie, once you're a mother, you're always a mother. You will never be too old for me to take care of you. One day you'll understand."

"I don't know about that." I shook my head as my eyes found our hands holding each others.

"Don't you worry about it. For now you have places to be, planes to catch." She encouraged me before moving to open her door. We climbed out and pulled my suitcase from the trunk before standing facing each other on the sidewalk.

"I love you mom" I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you too, sweetie." She whispered back. "You have to go now" she pulled away. I nodded as I sniffled back tears.

"Thanks again for everything," I said before taking the handle of my suitcase.

"Anytime." She waved as I started to take a few steps backwards.

"Bye!" I called out as the distance between us grew before I turned around to walk forwards.

"Bye, baby!" I heard her call out faintly.

My trip was pretty typical, a change of boarding gate, a small delay, still making it on time. De-boarding the second plane that landed me in L.A. felt surreal, I'm closer now more than ever to getting my life back. I felt jittery in the cab ride to the house, getting stuck in traffic only adding to the suspense. It took twice as long as normal to get here from the airport. On weak legs I stood up out of the cab and pulled my suitcase with me. I looked at the house, and the cars filling the driveway, I wonder what Noah bought to replace the car I totaled? I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding before I took my first step up the driveway.

Stoping at the closed door I left my suitcase at my side. I left me key here when I left so I have to knock, but I heard the boys inside. Their typical loud boisterous noise they make brought a smile to my face, I'm home. I raised my hand and knocked on the door. I heard the noise change and footsteps approach the door, it pulled open with its familiar sound to reveal Nick. He brought his finger to his lips to tell me to stay quiet before he closed the door back slowly. I stood there feeling like my skin was on fire from anticipation.

"Noah! Someone's at the door for you." I heard Nick yell through the house. The boys continued on with their noise as I waited for Noah. He was probably upstairs, I heard the muffled noise of him asking who it is at the door as he approached, his footsteps signaling he was near. I held my breath as the door knob twitched from him setting his hand on the other side.  "Just open the door." I heard Nick argue with him. The door suddenly pulled open and I held my breath as he came into view.

"Alex" he said, he stared at me as if I were a ghost he wasn't sure as there or not.

"Hey" I squeaked out suddenly unsure of myself and all I had planned to say.

"What are you-" he started but I cut him off.

"I love you, I was a dumbass, but I love you. In fact I think I love you more now than when I left." I confessed as the feeling of having no air washed over me. Noah stepped forward quickly and suddenly his lips were on mine, soft, warm, plush lips that I missed so much. His arms wrapped around me tightly, holding me in place. My hands found his hair, soft, silky, I ran my fingers through it and tugged. I missed this so much. I felt myself getting lightheaded just before Noah pulled away, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Don't you ever do that again." He warned possessively as his hands made their way over my body as if inspecting it.

"Never again." I promised as I looked into the brown eyes I fell in love with. Never again will I be so stupid.

"Would you two get inside already?!" We heard Nick call from the door.  I watched Noah smile before he pulled his hand back and popped me on the ass earning a quick gasp from me.

"Come on baby, we got a lot to celebrate." Noah said, his voice caused chills to run down my spine. He turned pulling me with him, keeping an arm around me, we stepped into the house as Nick carried my suitcase upstairs, we were greeted by Jolly and Nicholas as we entered the kitchen. "The house princess is back." Noah announced loudly as he pulled me in front of him, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me closer still. This felt right, this is home.

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