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The band's label rented out some empty warehouse right in the center of L.A. for the album release party. Music was blaring and the place looked packed with unfamiliar faces when the black SUV parallel parked right outside the main entrance. The bands manager, Matt, gave us assigned seating arrangements so the bands arrival and exiting of the vehicle was just as they wanted. Noah and I sat in the captain's chairs in the middle of the car with Nicholas and Jolly squishing Nick between themselves behind us. I had hoped they'd shove me in the back and make me exit last, so I wouldn't be noticed. Or better yet, let the boys exit the car at the main entrance, then drive around back and let me out by some out of the way back door. I have no such luck, Matt had me exit right behind Noah, he even made a point to instruct Noah to hold my hand and keep me close; Noah needed no instructions to act his typical way, this did however prove to me that the band's label wants to use our relationship for publicity. Noah assured me on the car ride that there was nothing to worry about when it came to the label and how they saw our relationship.

When the door nearest to Noah popped open his hand was already holding mine tightly. He climbed out of the SUV with ease before turning to assist me with a graceful exit, once both feet were on the ground I was immediately aware of the amount of people around us, dozens and dozens of people, bright lights from phones flashes going off while taking pictures in the harsh darkness. Noah had me right at his side as he slowly made his way through the crowd, greeting fans as he went, stopping for a few pictures, pulling me into those pictures with him. The more I looked around the more I became aware of the fact that I wasn't seeing people's faces, but their phones, everyone had their phones out. As we stepped into the warehouse I began to contemplate if what just happened was a dream, a bad one to be specific. The harsh reminder of reality came quickly as I was faced with the crowded warehouse floor full of bodies moving together in no unison at all but somehow all moving together, the sight of it makes me sick, I'm confused as to whether it's social anxiety or the strange visual of the crowd moving and swaying as they were, some danced, and some lingered in place, and others were moving in straight lines just trying for a different destination.

My stomach sank as Noah approached the crowd with me in tow, our hands tightly interlocked, keeping me from aborting the mission Noah had us on. His tall frame, along with being the man of the hour helped him to part the crowd as he led us through and towards a set of metal stairs that looked to lead to a much quieter part of the venue. Halfway up the stairs I could feel relief wash over me as we left the crowd behind us, for a moment I thought it was only me and the Bad Omens boys, reality rushed back in as we arrived at what must be a VIP lounge complete with Bad Omens crew, some I know, some I don't, and what seems to be strategically placed strangers in tight dresses. Unease washed over me as I stayed by Noah's side, scanning the surrounding area I became increasingly more aware of how much many of the women in the VIP lounge resembled a particular groupie from the past. Noah seemed to be trying his best to comfort me by keeping me close, squeezing my hand, and absentmindedly grazing his fingers over my skin once we sat down on a long rounded sofa towards the back wall. We had spent twenty minutes or so small talking guests before taking a seat, and I had yet to see a drop of alcohol that I'm sure would help to ease my discomfort.

After some time Noah left me on the sofa to make a trip to the bar. I watched his tall frame move through the crowd and all the eyes that followed him. On his way back, somewhere along the way, he gained a follower. Noah handed me my drink as he took his seat next to me, his leg pressed against mine, I took a small test sip from the plastic cup before deciding that the mix was too strong and I'd have to nurse one drink for most of the night. Noah's follower lingered a few feet away; they tried to keep their distance to go unnoticed till they were brave enough to sit on the other side of him. The girl looked at me with sharp eyes and a sly smile causing my stomach to drop. I leaned forward and placed my drink on the low table before straightening back and turning my attention to Noah as I listened to the women try desperately to say something interesting enough to entice him into conversation. Noah is no dumbass to what the girl is trying but still he was far more polite than me and he held small talk with her for a few minutes. Well, until he said a joke that was barely funny, causing her to throw her head back in a fit of laughter and toss her hand onto his chest.

Bad Decisions - Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now