Chapter 8 : To Stop This

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Your P.O.V
After you were done talking with the Pines, you made your way to go to Dipper to say the truth and save Bill from those twins. You close the door behind you and you took a deep breath and started to walk away from the tent. You were a little nervous to tell Dipper the truth. He might get upset or maybe worse. Your trail of thoughts were cut when a blue smoke appeared on your way, you wave your hand to remove the smoke infront of your face, the smoke finally reveal a smirking Dipper.

"Looking for me, Beautiful (Y/n) dear?" He smirked.

"Dipper, I need to tell you something." You said.

"Before you could say anything I should show you something." He said gladly.

Before you could response, Dipper grab yoir hand and took you somewhere where only God knows. You tried to escape from his grip but unfortunately you failed. You tried to yell at him but he wouldn't listen, he just continue running with his hands on yours. After the running-with-Dipper Gleeful, you and him were on a place which was in his shack. You took a deep breath and sighed loudly. You take a glance at Dipper who was still wearing that sexy smirk.

"Dipper, really, there is something I need to tell you." You said.

"Alright, what is it, dearest?" He smirked.

"Look, I understand how you like m-"

"You mean love, dear." He cut you off.

You just roll your eyes at his correction and continued speaking.

"Well, I understand how you love me but I dont feel the same. I'm sorry so I hope you also understand." You said, concerned.

"Hehehe hahahhaha!!!" Dipper laughed insanely.

"W-What is so funny, this isn't a joke!" You yelled.

"Hahaha you know whats funny?! Well I tried everything to make you fall for me but I failed haha and you just like my useless butler Bill, now isn't that funny?! Haha" He laughed again but this time more insanely.

This just made you feel uneasy, you guess you really hurt his feelings and made him go nuts. You still beed to make him understand cause there's a feeling that Dipper dont actually understand you. You clench your fist and bravely look at him.

"Dipper, please, I know how it hurts but I know you'll find the right girl." You assured.

"Thats not the point, dearest, I'm just rage you pick that useless demon OVER ME!!." He growled.

"Well, his so kind and you just made him as your male Cinderella!" You yelled.

"This isn't a fairly tale anymore and you think that demon would ever fell for you?" He smirked.

"Shut up! You and your sister are a bunch of fakers and jerks who always use Bill." You growled.

There was a long silence between you and Dipper. Dipper's eye was full of shock but then turn them an evil glare, glaring daggers at you. His glare is almost piercing thrpugh your soul.


His tone just shivers down to your spine, making you look a little pale. This is the first time you saw Dipper who was full of rage. So this is what Bill's trying to say he'll go violent. He was right, he looks violent as ever. An invisible lump just cause on your throat yet you didn't want to gulp infront of him. One cold sweat roll through the side of your ear and fell.

"D-D-Dipper?" You stuttered.

Dipper was still glaring at you. He didn't response just a deadly glare. You tried ypur best to be brave but you just failed.

"How pathetic you normal people are, a bad taste and a bad tongue." He glared even more.

"Now for your punish of insulting my dearest sister, hm...lets see..maybe using her daggers." He said as he step closer making you step back.

"Maybe, a torturing show for the audience." He guessed as he take another step while you step back. Everytime he guess he takes another step and you stepping backwards, not leaving his glare on you.

"Wait, how about hypnotizing you." He smirked, taking another step.

"Or maybe, just maybe, a slow pain death." He said darkly as he started stepping forward to you.

You kept walking backwards until your back hit to the wall, before you could run, Dipper grab the two of your wrist and push then on a wall. Dipper's face was dangerously inch closer to you, you were suppose to blush but all you could think was fear and no help. Dipper chuckled evilly and lean to you, touching his lips on your ear and whispers.

"Mind if I get that" He whispered.

That just made you feel really scared. Dipper let go of your wrist but you couldn't move your wrist, more importantly, you couldn't move your body not even a finger. Dipper was about to kiss you but a cane just push Dipper away, same with the thing that made you stop moving your body. You glance at someone who holds the cane and saw Bill! You smiled in relief yet till you saw Dipper glaring at the two of you.

"How dare you hit your master like that?!" He growled.

"I'm sorry, Pinetree but you need to understand her feelings." Bill said.

"Ha! Everything I want, I get it! And (Y/n) will be mine, one way or another." He smirked evilly.

"Dipper! That is just stupid, please can you just give up and move on?!" You asked.

"Stop this nonsense! Bill I order you to hand me that maiden." He demanded.

Bill did nothing but shield himself for you. Bill pointed his cane to Dipper, as a sign of a challenge. Dipper just smirk evilly and he floated his daggers.

"Pinetree fight me! The winner gets what it wanted!" Bill challenged.

"Bill..." You trailed off.

Dipper just gave a huffed at you and glance at Bill.

"I accept, Bill Cipher."

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