Harry's bum is life.

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Theme: Criminal!Louis - Police Guard!Harry

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Theme: Criminal!Louis - Police Guard!Harry


Chicago, Police station. 10:53pm.

INT Winter time (-so even at early times, the sky would darken-) at a jail cell.

-The day before Louis was executed.-

~Harry trotted down the steps, coffee cup in hand, and a sour look on his face. He adjusted his tie with his free hand before opening the heavy metal door to the cell room, trying to ignore the heavy pounding on the bar-cell next to the door that had gotten louder the minute he stepped foot in the room.

Harry gave the inmate a hard cold glare when they challenged him with their eyes, viciously brown with a twinge of hatred lathered under their blown pupils. Harry lunged at them but stayed a foot away from their reach, watching them cower away in fear, but withstand their agony and fuming anger that had rottened within the time they had been molding within a jail cell.

Harry turned away; unfazed.

He stayed walking along the endless lines of cell's, ignoring the pleads and the curses that were set upon his very image. He rolled his neck in bordem, wincing when someone in particular strained their vocals too loud and made a high voice crack when they swore.

Quickly, Harry turned the door knob located at the end of the hall, smiling when it finally pushed itself open, and the lights dimmed upon his entrance.

He watched the tired smile start to adjust on Louis' lips, and it made his heart speed up.

He was sat in the middle of the room, ankles restrained to the chair which was nailed to the ground. His wrists were free, but his abdomen was in a strap that wrapped around him tightly, and wouldn't allow him any more purchase of movement that he already withheld.

Louis tilted his head when Harry didn't step forward--staying a close distance away, but licking his lips at the sight of the male.

"Harry," Louis' voice was slurred; it was like he was drunk or something. He didn't look scary, he didn't look interested or anything, he looked dazed. Like he had just woken up and was sworn to smile no matter the circumstance he was in.

Harry's eyes dwindled in their stern gaze, settling for something more relaxing as he let out a shuddered breath. "Lou," He whispered, the coffee cup going cold in his pale fingers. He stepped forwards once, breathing hotly when Louis' shoulders tensed up. "I just wanted to-"

"Y'know, it's my last day." Louis breathed, eyes red. "I don't need anymore of this, Harry, this ends here."

Harry shook his head--desperate. "No."

"Just- Just shut up and listen to me, baby, for once,"

Harry stilled. "Don't call me that." 

"This wont work. There's no point in going on with this when it's certain that by tomorrow, I won't even be alive."

"I don't even care, Louis!" Harry spoke loudly, and even Louis--Stuck up, uncaring, dominant Louis--found himself closing his eyes and breathing hastily. "I don't- I don't care what happens tomorrow, I care about right now." Harry shook. "I don't care about my future goddamn feelings!"

Louis roared, "Well, if you wont care about yourself then I goddamn will!"

"I fucking love you, Louis!"

"Well it kind of feels like i'm doing the loving for the two of us!" Louis cried--whole upper body bent forward--red faced and so very angry. "Because all you want is to stick my dick up your ass, and then there's a 'thank you,' and then there's a fucking 'goodbye,' like I didn't pour my body and soul into the thought of your fucking skin!"

"Well, if it's so damn one sided, then why do I risk my whole career for y-"


Harry gasped, stumbling back at the volume. His bottom lip trembled, and Louis' eyes were filled with immense pain, a pain that Harry couldn't fathom feeling.

"I-" Louis' voice cracked, and he laughed dryly. Smile present, but so so strained. "I don't what the fuck else you want me to do for you." Louis eyed his shoes, looking down. "My whole life... handed over to you. Someone who doesn't even understand the love that I have proven endlessly enough."

Harry stayed at the door; scared to move. Harry knew one thing.

He felt nothing compared to what Louis did.

And for some reason, that thought sickened him to the core.

Immaturely, Harry stepped forwards, dropping the coffee cup--going straight to Louis and staring into his endless ocean of yearning, (his eyes) and kissing him until his thoughts were muddled, and every hand that Louis put on him made him stutter--trembling in his hold. Making everything that redeemed him and gave him a name fell to the floor beneath them. It drowned out Louis' desperation, and it numbed the guilt at the tip of Harry's tongue.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Louis whimpered, but Harry hushed every plea, moving to sit on Louis' lap as the latter gripping his hips securely. Harry moaned when Louis bit his bottom lip-pulling gently, but his mind didn't let him enjoy this to its fullest. knowing what he knew, and doing what he was doing.




It nipped at every inch of his body, and he was suddenly shaking in Louis' arms, eyes stinging with a hot wave of tears that traveled down his cheeks faster than any tide, or any river.

Harry shook his head, "Don't go," Harry keened into his hair, holding his head in large hands. "Please don't leave me. Please, please..." Harry wailed loudly, and Louis only closed his eyes, wishing this wasn't reality.

"Please don't leave me..."

"I won't." Louis gulped. "I love you."

Harry cried.

"I love you too."

They both lied that night.


-L xx

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