You could Blink. (Larry one-shot)

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"I spy... with my little eye..." Harry chanted, from the drivers seat, watching as his child - Aurora - frowned under his gaze, but still remained interested. "A white... A white car."

Aurora stayed where she was sitting, not sparing a small glance out of the window. "I not looking until you let me call dad."

Harry just chuckled, by there was no real humor. "Aurora, you'll see him tomorrow."

"No.." She said lowly, eyes narrowed but still a little empathetic. "..I want to see him tonight."

She still had the rose petals in her hair from the store her and Harry went to about an hour ago. They had just came back from a small restaurant that was pretty cheap with amazing food. He didn't know why his daughter was bringing her other father up when it was an obvious 'no.' Harry can't make his husband appear out of thin air.

Okay, Harry can explain. Yes. Louis is his husband, and it will remain that way until one of them does something about it. But since Aurora is in the loop, it's hard. And neither of them have the balls to split officially, so they stick to alternating between what weekends they get Aurora, and the weekends they don't.

She usually goes with Louis for the holidays, but she's with Harry for the most part. She sees Louis four times a month, and though it hurts Harry to say that, Louis had asked for it.

Harry still can't forget the dull look in Louis' eyes when he'd first asked for distance between him and his own daughter.

Harry swallows shallowly, pale skin fading back into the shadow that his sharp jawline left in its wake. "You will see him tommorow, Aurora, you should be used to this."

"But I don't get it." Here we go, Harry thinks. "I don't get why you guys stay married if you live in separate apartments, separate bedrooms, everything between you two is separated!"

We're doing it for you, he wants to say, but then again, Harry knows it's not only for Aurora. Though, it may seem that way.

Harry never lost his feelings for Louis. He still cant get over the ghost of his kisses on his neck, nor can he forget the way his hands had roamed his body for hours on end--admiring and memorizing every inch of skin on Harry's physique.

Harry gulped, eyes glistening with painful tears.

It had to be this way for a reason. Louis cheated thousands of times, and showed no interest in raising Aurora with him. So Harry did the one thing he knew was best. He filtered Louis from both of their lives. Not perminently, but enough for Harry's mental stability, and his daughter's heart. She was still so young, even at nine. It was alot for Harry to take on as a single father, but he knew how to handle everything.

He grew up with split parents, anyway, so...

When they finally drove up Harry's driveway, the green eyed man was surprised to see Liam standing there.

Liam--with lovebites all over his neck. From Louis.

Harry smiled politley, parking the car as his daughter hopped out; running up to Liam and jumping into his arms.

Harry begged his smile to stay high.

When he got out of his car, he walked up to Liam with his keys dangling out of his pocket. "Liam," Harry said politley, pulling him in for a hug in which the slightly shorter man reciprocated with warmth. Harry pulled away, eyebrows turning in. "What brings you here?"

Liam, with white straight teeth, smiled doe-eyed. "I just wanted to check on you lot." He points to the street. "I was driving past your place, so I thought i'd stop by for a quick hello." He finishes with a lazy grin, his pink lips stretched wide.

Harry, with his curls falling in his eyes, nodded. A little on-edge about the fact that Liam decided to come over without asking Harry before-hand. He could have been busy. Or worse, his mother could have been here and she would have cursed Liam out for showing up with obvious marks from Harry's ex-lover all over his neck. Though, Harry swallowed, chuckling at Liams words.

"Well," Harry's voice was soft. Quieter than usual and his daughter stood by his side, watching every movement. "It was nice seeing you. I havent seen your face since the wedding."

Liam nodded, eyes catching the hint. "I know. It feels like forever."

Harry nodded along, green eyes dimmed. "Yeah."

"Well," Liam clapped his hands tigether, giving Aurora one last cuddle. "I best be on my way." Liam leaned fowards, smacking a kiss to Harry's cheek before making his way down the driveway to his car. "Stay safe, Harold!"

"You bet." Harry hollered back, touching his cheek.

It was enough for Harry to know that the same lips that had just touched his cheek were the same ones attatched to Louis' lips a couple hours ago.

Harry turned away from Liam's departure, taking Aurora's hand in his. "C'mon, lets go inside."

They had supper. A hot soup with water for Aurora, and white wine for Harry.

While Aurora ate, she looked up at Harry timidly. "Im sorry for putting you on the spot earlier..." She lowered her gaze back to the soup, stirring her spoon dazedly. "It was rude of me. I just miss dad."

Harry watched her spoon boredly. "It's okay."

It was when they were done with dinner, and Harry was on the couch that he got the call.

"Im coming over."

Harry closed his eyes--his mind screaming 'No,' but his heart was wailing 'yes!'


"I dont want to hear it," Louis breathed heavily. "Im already up your block."

"Why are you- what?" Harry sat up on the couch chair, green eyes rimmed with red. "You cant come over without telling me - I- Aurora will start asking me questions, and I cant-"

"Shh, Harry. Stop thinking." Louis' voice was cold--edged and worried. "Im coming over, end of story." 

Then he hung up.


Louis lied.

He didnt come over.

but he didn't lie about the fact that he was up my block.

because half an hour later, I got a text from Liam talking about the fatal car crash Louis had gotten into.

Apparently, Louis crashed into a tree.

he wasnt breathing by the time the cops arrived.

It was all so sudden.

When Aurora asked when her father was going to pick her up the next day, Harry didnt know what to respond with.

Maybe he should have taken Aurora to see her father sooner.


-L xx

This was dark.

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