ONE SHOT: Star gazing. L.S.

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Un-edited sooooo..


"Do you ever think there's more to the universe than planets?" Louis asked silently, fingers up towards the sky. His eyes were tired and had small creases by the sides as he smiled—loving the sound of Harry strumming the acoustic guitar beside him.

The brunnete looked up at the blue eyed boy, cheeks dusted by the chilling air of the forest surrounding them. Unbeknowest to the intense drop of degree, Harry smiled at his lover. Admiring all that he was.

He was plucking the strings to the song "Roslyn,"  but then stopped abruptly at the raspy tone of Louis' unused voice. He had lost it during his last concert in vegas, clutching onto Harry's arm the whole way back to the hotel--not uttering a word for the green eyed boy to go off of. They had fallen asleep with tangled sheets, and soft fingertips. Eyes relaxed in unconsiousness. But now, to hear his voice return below the moonlight was a sight for Harry's sore eyes.

Louis turned to Harry while on his back, biting the inside of his cheek in pure curiosity. "It reminds me of a book I read in college." He turns back up to the stars, eyes shining. "Something in Astronomy that I didnt pay proper attention to. 'Gee," He chuckled, mocking his old dreams. "I used to think i'd become an astronomer in the futrue, but,--here I am." He reaches out, touching Harry's knee. "With you." He closes his eyes. "In the middle of the night."

Harry looked at the hand Louis placed on his knee, eyes growing softer. He intertwined their fingers, even as cold and red as they were. Harry's hands were large, but were softer than Louis'.

Harry smirked. "You say it like it's a bad thing." harry lied the large instrument on the soil beside him, being careful with the pick and sticking it between the left and middle string.--away from the gape in the middle. "You love being with me."

Louis scoffed. "Dont be full of yourself, love," Louis took Harry's hand, kissing the top with closed eyelashes that brushed agaisnt his pale skin. "But yes," He chuckled. "I do enjoy being with you at all times."

"This.." Harry said, but then cleared his throat when he found his own tone was too quiet amongst the sounds of nature around them. "This might be the perfect time to ask you-"

Louis blinked up at him with vibrant ocean eyes, feathery hair winding with the sway of the breeze. Harry blanked, mind going blurry with his words.

My.. My mouth just said the first words at the front of my mind.

"Can, Well..- Will you allow me the right to be your personal bdyguard?"

It was loud with the sounds of tree's grasping the spines of their leaves desperatley as though not to let them fly away with the natural occurances of the fall season. It was loud amongst the squirrel's that burrowed themselves in their tails, black beady eyes peering up at the scene with hesitance: too scared to feign fear, and too bold to withdraw. 

Maybe it was the sharp breath Louis took, shoulder's going tense. His face remained open, as thought to ease Harry's tremble. Still, Louis stiffened.

The moonlight mocked Harry, making this pit of guilt form and tug at his abdomen. He knew Louis wasnt the one with the choice of this question. Louis hesitated, watching Harry with wide eyes as if asking - "You know why you cant, right?" - But still, Harry didnt take the bait, obediantly waiting for Louis to say a word, anything just to ease his greedy wants.

He hated being greedy, but Louis was all he needed. If he didnt have Louis, then he became just that. Greedy.

And Harry wasnt surprised when Louis softly whispered, "No." because he saw it coming. It wasnt like it was unexcpected or anything.

But of course, reality still stabbed Harry like a sharp knife.

Harry winced at the answer, Green eyes lowering to the ground instead of the haunting eyes that prodded for vulnerability above him. Louis shook his head, nudging Harry's chin to look up at him. "You know why though, right?" Louis muttered, his eyes so very bright under the stars. Fuck. Why did Harry pick the forest, again?

Harry nodded, even though his mind was still stunted at the rejection. Louis had no idea how much he had wanted such a job. Bodyguard? Of course. He'd already been an officer, nontheless a candidate in the S.W.A.T. course. But a bodyguard for his singer/guatarist/Lover Louis? 

Who wouldnt?

"Please tell me you understand, Haz?" Louis spoke below a raspy pitch, eyes a little humorous but also reeking pity. Louis had told him--scolded him even--when he'd brought up the thought a few months back before they were dating.

Louis had thought it was a joke then, and now, Harry was bringing it into their daily lives. Into their reality. He mentally facepalmed. How stupid.

Harry closed his eyes, chortling without humour. (A/N: GOSH I HATE THAT WORD- 'ChOrTlEd') "N-Never mind." He waved his hands, not registering Louis taking his left and kissing the middle of his palm with sympathy. "Nevermind, i'm sorry for asking.. Forgive me," 

Louis huffed into Harry's skin, shivering a little at the wind. He met Harry's eyes again, gaze unfocused but serious. "No, dont be sorry. I know that'd be amazing, but.." Louis smiled sheepishly, a surprising tear slipping down his cheek that Harry instantly widened his eyes at. "Y'know, I dont want to break up with you, you know what I mean -?"

"No- No, yeah, baby dont cry.." Harry took his face into his hands, kneeling beside him as he lied down. "Shit- I didnt mean to-" Harry's eyes took in the sight below him. The beautiful (crying) boy that looked up at him like he was the moon and the stars and the whole fucking universe

Louis just laughed breathlessly. "No, its okay-" He gasped, a wobbly smile forming. "Just- Just c'mere."

Harry, even with the immense guilt, still dropped onto Louis' chest submissivley, blushing when Louis ran tentative fingers through his chesnut curls, small pieces of pollen getting intertwined in the long locks. 

Louis kissed the top of his head, and Harry closed his eyes at Louis' warmth and the fire beside them.

They could talk about this tommorow.


- L xx

Larreh Stylinsoooon

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