A Christmas Disaster: LARRY ONE-SHOT <3

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Louis was stressing like crazy. Maybe it was the pheremones he was permitting, because he left his omega at home with their child that was only a month old, or maybe it was the fact that it was already nearing 6 pm when he and his husband were supposed to be at the dinner at 5:45. 

Louis growled, pushing the cart fowards while his daughter, Sienna, was texting her boyfriend beside him, also giving him concerned glances from her perhiperal when she smelt her fathers distress. Cautiously, when they were making their way to the cashier, she paused Louis' ragged movements, putting her phone down on the small seat for toddlers in the cart, and facing her dad with prodding forest green eyes.

Louis huffed a small sigh, because he could already feel her questions coming. "Dad, please stop stressing as much as you are."

"I cant, love, it's--" Louis huffs, toning down his alpha voice that threatens to reverberate through the small marketplace. "It's impossible stress to deal with. It's christmas eve! Im stressing!" Louis' eyes were wild, and Sienna watched with gentle and observing eyes, standing stifly infront of her worn father. 

She breathed and then spoke. "Do you want to wait in the car while I buy all the groceries and load them in the trunk?" She bit her lip timidly, looking in the cart. "Its not alot, and i'll pay for it. Im making enough money at starbucks this weekend, so its fine, anyways."

Louis' eyebrows furrowed, walking quickly with her to the register. She strode on long legs next to him, eyes wandering the store. "Sienna, I wouldnt make you do that regardless if you're paid well or not." He gets in line, watching his daughter stare at her feet. "Im your father, and i'm an Alpha. What kind of Alpha would I be if I didnt provide for my fam-"

Sienna talked over him. "Alright dad, I know. Mom knows, Francis knows, everyone knows." She looks around at the eyes that watched her father wearily, noticing a few omega's who looked at Louis with this lust that made her growl under her breath. "Just please stop speaking so loudly, and keep the pheremones down. People cant breathe."

Louis lowered his gaze as he got a few looks from passing Alpha's who had whimpering omega's in their arms, watching Louis from a stalking distance. "Shit, you're right. We need to leave."

Louis breached his pocket, finding his wallet, and fore-going the whole pay process while averting his attention from the beta cashier who watched him with obscurity. Though, Louis left before the woman could even utter something under her bile breath.

When they loaded everything in into the trunk, Sienna got in the backseat (because she liked it), and Louis jumped in the driver's. Louis put the stick shift into drive, and began making his way out of the pharmacy parking lot. "Do you think he'll be okay?" The blue-eyed alpha murmered, watching his daughter from the car-mirror. "These pills--do you think he'll swallow them, or will he choke?"

"Dad, Francis is a baby." She mumbled to her father, while also replying to her boyfriend who had to leave to his university for the weekend, before putting her phone face-down on the seat next to her. "Mom will break it into smaller pieces, and give it to him that way."

"But what if its bigger than we think? What if-" Louis breathed shallowly. "What if Harry's wrong, and it's not just a fever? ...Perhaps a condition?"

Sienna shrunk back into the seat, looking out the window wistfully. "You're thinking too much. Stop talking for a minute."

"Dont tell me what to do, beta." Louis spoke.

Sienna didnt respond until they got home.

They were greeted by a high whining that was easily interpreted as Harry's, and a loud shrill of crying. When Louis entered the living room, he was happy to see the baby and Harry all dressed up and ready to leave, but he was still curious on why Harry was so panicky. Harry was backed against the wall, staring at the baby who simply cried in confusion on the couch. His cheeks were pale, and his nails were digging into his skin.

Hurriedly, Louis picked Francis up and scented him until the baby blacked out into a quiet bliss.

Sienna went over to Harry. "Momma, whats wrong?" She checked Harry's tempature, and he was fine, but he had his hands over his face--crying softly.

Louis snapped his gaze to his husband at the sound, quickly handing Francis to Sienna--telling her to put him in the carseat--while he calmed Harry down. 

"Alpha-" Harry mewled, and Louis easily went into his out-stretched arms. "-Alpha, I need you, please, I-"

"Whats wrong?" Louis hugged him softly, taking in the smell of summer and caramel all in one person. He tucked his face into Harry's neck as the omega clutched on him despratley, eyes closed tightly. "Baby, tell me, please. I dont like you like this."

"The baby. The baby, he just started screaming, and I got scared, and I-" Harry hiccuped. "I've never raised an alpha before. I thought it'd be easy, but now I understand what other omega's were telling me, it's hard." Harry hiccuped, but leaned away from Louis to look into his eyes. He shook his head slowly, curls dancing along his cheekbones. "I cant do this alone. I cant have you leaving me. Without you, I cant breathe around him, and you make this easier- please," Harry pulled him back in insecurley. "Please dont leave me one day."

Louis chuckled dully, pulling his omega closer protectivley. "I never thought you'd think so low of me." Louis gently bit into the bite mark on Harry's neck, drowning in the small moan that left Harry's lips. "I would take you right here, and show you how much i'd hate leaving you, but we have a party to get to, and I need you to be strong." Harry continued.-

-"This mark--" He softly brushes his thumb against their mating mark, gazing into Harry's sad eyes. "--This mark tells us we have no choice. If you wanted to leave me, no alpha would ever find you as beautiful as I do. You beauty is unmatchable, and no matter what I think or want, I am with you. My heart is devoted to you, omega."

Harry whimpered under Louis' hands which held him strongly against him, making the omega feel loved in a way that he knows deep down only Louis can do.

Louis kissed his cheek, blue eyes glowing down at the omega pressed against the wall helplessly. "Let's go." Louis murmered, taking Harry's hand and making him stand on his own two feet. "We're already late."


-L xx


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