GENDER SWAP: The friction between a distanced couple (lesbian smut lmao)

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Name/gender swap:Louis is now 'Lou-Anne

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Name/gender swap:
Louis is now 'Lou-Anne.'
Harry is now 'Harley.'

Gasps leaving mouths, air leaving lungs. Lower halves dipped in a heat as they were pressed together. The rain was loud outside the room—it hit the window with great confidence, but not enough to snap them out of their trances with each other. Enamored with the feeling they were both receiving, the girl with long brunette wavy hair leaned down to kiss agape lips—the girl below her too busy with keeping her eyes closed as the bed shook.
The sheets rustled, and the air smelled like Aloe Vera, making the room smell clean but also like faint perfume. The green lights strung around the room glistened on her stomach, while it shined on the other's back. "B-Beautiful," the bottom moaned as the top sped up, looking down at the hand that the curly-haired girl had placed on her abdomen. She took the hand, holding it above the curly-girl's head and going harder with her hip thrusts. She hid her face in the-girl-below-her's shoulder, her eyes half open in euphoria. The bottom only whimpered progressively, legs only spreading wider for better access.

The top gripped the bottom's trembling leg, small wet sounds coming from in between them. She looked at her face, watching as it contorted in pleasure, her neck exposed and hair pressing back into the pillow, reaching a shaking release. She sped up, more skin-on-skin sounds filling the room. Then the bottom was loudly moaning, and the bed was creaking, and the wind was warping into the window like a menace. But still, the top kept a mind-bending pace, making both of them tremble when they breathed—every touch sent a billion shocks through them, making them whine when they got the feeling they both wanted to feel.

Then, an eargasm worth sound fell from the curly-haired girls lips, her back suddenly arching as she pressed against the girl above her harder—making the top's neck loll as they both found that spot made them experience an intense wave of sensations as the top slowed down, sucking in air through her teeth as a low groan fell from curly's lips. The curly haired girl didn't know where to put her arms, settling to put them above her head as she swallowed a hard mewl.

She breathed heavily—thinking that was the best orgy she's had in a hot minute. But then again, there were feelings behind this one, so it made more sense. She brushed her hair back as it fell in her eyes—watching as the girl below her shook through the still intense orgasm, her legs shaking as a white drop of substance oozed from between her legs, making her blush and gasp when the top leaned down and sucked it away. Loving how the bottom tugged her hair to get back up again.

"N-No," she stuttered, eyes rolling back and hips thrusting up once. "Oh- No, please-"

The top only hummed, sucking and nipping gently. The rain had finally dwindled into a subtle drizzle, making both of their words clearer and more easier to hear.

The bottom, Harley, swallowed dryly. "I bet you five bucks my parents heard us."

The top, Lou-Anne, only chuckled as she sat up again, licking her lips and getting out from between H's legs. "Five? Only?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

Harley was still looking away, a beautiful blush spread across her cheeks. "Yeah," she looked at the ceiling. "Any more than that and I'd be playing with fire."

Lou-Anne leaned forwards, kissing her jaw softly. "You would—because I'd win. But," she sighed, wrapping her arms around Harley and cuddling closer to her. "You were pretty loud.."

H gasped, sitting up and staring down at her with wide green eyes. "Hey! So were you—you fucker." She hissed with a smile.

Lou smiled into the pillow, wishing she could be here forever.


..This was not originally gonna be for Larry but.. *shrug* I switched the names and crap, so I hope you like it. #iveneverreadalesbianbookinmyentirelife

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