ONE SHOT: Prince x Prostitute/Larry

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"Hopscotch." He said, using his quill to check the small checkbox off with Matt black ink.

His maiden, Joenid, blinked back at him. Her hands were busy fiddling with her gloves nervously. "Hopscotch wouldn't be necessary, your highness," She bowed out of fear. "The- The lower ranks are out by the fields. It wouldn't be good for your image, nor the feud between you and-"

"I do not care about this, or that," Harry whined, now looking her straight in the eyes with his infuriated green irises. He despised her choleric way of speaking, his upper lip twisted; uninterested. "Just send Niall the schedule, and i'll be on my way out." He looked back down at his check notes from high on his chair. "I also want a chariot parked outside the stairs," he looked up at her from over the rim of the composition. "If it is alright with you?"

Joenid stared up at him, ruby lips agape with small tears in her eyes. She motioned her head apprehensively, nerves sparking at her shoulders causing them to tense irritably. "Yes, Prince Harry." She bowed stiffly before walking away with tight knees and a bent back.

Harry watched her departure, already meeting the ground with his beautiful golden boots. 


"Not far enough, lad." Gerald said with a wheeze. Louis inhaled, harsh breath moving more towards soft panting. "Maybe go another acre, or two."

"An acre?" Jimmy protested.

"-Two?" Louis said; aghast, hands on his knees.

Gerald watched them in bordem, cigarette hanging from his plump bottom lip. "Maybe if you didn't go around trippin' about on your arse all the time, you would have gotten maybe half of that instead of only seven percent." 

Louis chuckled airily, sending a haughty glare to where he was sitting reading a magazine. "yeah, of course." Louis patted his shoulder. "Whatever you say, big guy." 

Gerald raised a mean eyebrow.

Jimmy bumped knees with Louis as they continued to jog along the trail--not racing, but preparing to do so with measly steps that were too far, or small trips that would end up in the opponent getting a step ahead. But they remained loyal to each other, remaining in pace with the latter.

"He acts like he can do any better. Over there, all he does is gain weight on drugs and alcohol," Louis cringed, but Jimmy just laughed it off. "What? it's a joke."

"It's too early to make jokes about people that aren't worth making jokes about." Louis grumbled, thighs trembling as his jog took to a stride beside Jimmy who was now prancing to meet Louis' long stretches. 

Jimmy and Louis were the same height/size, so it awed Louis to see himself so overly athletic compared to someone like Jimmy, who--to be fair-- was decent at running, but couldn't hold up a race unless he was told he would die or some shit if done otherwise. Jimmy worked for the prize, not the lesson.

Furthermore, he didn't expect some random chick to almost run him over as she went scattering to the gate towards the entrance of the fields. He ran ahead a little bit, already sensing who it was just by the way the woman shrieked in certification.

Jimmy whispered into his ear, "Is it him?"

Louis didn't respond, keeping his jogs uptight and unpredictable; startling Jimmy when he leaped into a run--sprinting across the evergreen grass that grazed at his ankles like rough fur.

His knees burned, but his eyes hurt from trying to avoid the very obvious scene that was being taken just over from behind his shoulder. Yet, he ran in the opposite direction, not even trying to guess who it was.

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