High In California. [Larry One-shot]

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The smell of weed hit his nose and he coughed, pushing against the chest he was laying on. A rugged hand kept him tucked into the chest, though. The smell instantly wafted into the air with the intense smell of cologne and a hint of pungent nicotine. 

Harry's nose scrunched, his soft knuckles digging into his eyes sleepily. "Why are you smoking at the ass crack of dawn?" His voice was low, crackling like the fireplace near-by the door that was chipped in paint, and dull in comparison to the bright white walls.

Louis, with squinted eyes, motionlessly looked down at Harry's questioning green ones. He took a strand of Harry's hair, twirling it around his thumb. "Because im thinking."

Harry cringed. "You can think tommorow."

Louis stopped twirling his hair, eyebrows furrowing. "But it is tommorow?" He checked his tan watch, eyes adjusting as the digital time sled swiftly onto the dark screen. "It's 12:47."

Harry hissed, slapping the cigarette from between Louis' rouge tinted thin lips. 

"Regardless, it is too late and early for you to be smoking." 

Harry settled back into the dip of Louis' shoulder, kissing his collarbone hastily before closing his eyes and breathing in tediously. Harry's lip twitched when he felt Louis pick the cigarette back up--lighting it once more and puting it right back onto his lips like Harry had told him not to do.

Harry grumbled under his breath. "You've got to be playing with my non-existent tits. There's no way you just went back to smoking after I told you not to." His tone picked up in volume with the duration he talked.

Louis stilled, his rough hand settling lax on Harry's shoulder blade. Harry shifted, immediatley sitting up--in his naked and toned glory. Louis watched him with gruff blue eyes, his stubble beautiful under the soft lighting that lingered from the fireplace.

Louis reached out a bold hand, gently dragging his fingertips across the plane of Harry's tattoo. He watched curiously as Harry's stomach muscles shivered and trembled under a dusting of physical contact. He let out a deep breathe, his hair soft and fluffy from the position Harry was looking at him from. Though, the rugged pinch in his composure made Harry's heart tingle. 

When Louis gently rubbed his thumb against Harry's bare hip-bone, he spoke huskily, "I need to talk to you about some things." He bit his bottom lip a little. "Nothing bizzare, but. I just need clarification."

Harry watched him under a green gaze, eyes unwavering. He lowered himself to the bed, sitting on his bum and facing his bandmate. He tilted his head. "Go on."

Louis breathed, looking as close to the definition of majestic as you could get. His skin wafted in color due to the hue of the bedroom, making his tan look impeccably surreal. When Louis' eyes met Harry's, Harry's heart thudded just a little stronger against his chest.

Louis narrowed his eyes, his eyebrows lifting. "You know this is only for fun, right?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah."

'No.' His heart mumbled.

Louis' eyes stayed heavily on him, like a building falling and catching on the plane of your shoulders. Harry felt suffocated under the pressure.

Louis bit his lip, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Not losing eye contact. 


Then, that was that. Louis pressed the butt of the cigarette into his plam, making it shrink to a ring-size as he threw it out of their opened balcony window. Harry watched with a shiver as it thudded against the metal railing before flying out into the busy streets of california.

It was the summertime. they had came for their tour.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn all had to share a room and so did Harry and Louis. Though, their room had two seperate bedrooms, neither of them cared though to do anything about it: especially after having crazy rough sex. 

Louis had just broken up with Eleanor, and Harry was a rebound.

That's all it was.

Harry lied back down, but this time, he layed on the mattress.

He wasnt as warm as how he was when he awoke the first time--draped over Louis.

And it was the same when he woke up.

because the hotel room was empty, with a space beside him that had grown cold.


-L xx

...Im backkkk

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