going to prom with another boy [changbin]

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my goodness i should update more 😭 i have 10 pages of ideas but i never made time to write any of it out fully akfhkfsdjkj forgive me :( im also so excited for 樂star album i've been avoiding full spoilers like the concert one they posted on jype yt channel. anyways hope you enjoy this!

I arrived to my classroom 10 minutes before school started as usual. I waved at a few classmates as I made my way to my seat and glanced around to see if I can find I best friend Changbin, but he was no where to be found. Well he's always late whatever...

I unpacked my school supplies and arranged everything in an orderly fashion. I placed the not needed notebooks in the compartment under the desk when I found an pink box hidden inside. I took it out and allowed it to reveal it's full appearance. The box was not only pink and had a fancy ribbon, but there was hand drawn hearts and even a rose was attached to it. Slowly but surely I peeled the rose off the box, undid the ribbon and tore the wrapping of the box. To my surprise there was a box of chocolate and a note. I opened the note and saw what it wrote:

Hi Y/N <3 I was wondering if you want to go to prom with me since it's coming up soon... If you need time to think I'll definitely give you some time ♡ ~Love, Sunghoon

Sunghoon? The handsome one in Class 12B? I've only spoken to him for a few times. But he is good looking honestly. But I better ask Changbin first.

In high school there was a school prom every year and I would always go with Changbin as both of us never have been asked out by anyone. Even though we've promised each other that if one day one of us got a partner, we won't have to go together. But I still felt that guilt that took over me. The most part of me wants to go with Sunghoon , but there's a part of me that feels... empty? I don't know how to explain it.

I didn't get time to tell Changbin this before class started because he arrived right when the teacher walked in the classroom. Might as well tell him about it during break.

"Ok time is up everyone. Make sure to complete your homework and hand it in tomorrow." the teacher announced. She dismissed the class and nearly everyone ran out of the classroom to line up for the snack shop. I always buy snacks in advance as I travel to school so I don't have to race with the crowd. I took out my snacks as I saw Changbin made his way to me.

"I'm so lucky to have a friend who always buys and shares her snacks with me." Changbin boasted as he grabbed a chair nearby and sat next to me. I tossed him a few packs of chips and he yanked open one of them. We discussed about random topics and I suddenly remembered to ask him about the prom. I mean it's more of telling him instead of asking because he'll definitely hype me up about this.

"Oh yeah Binnie I forgot to ask about this year's prom-"

"Oh RIGHT it's coming up so soon. Are we matching outfits this year or-"

"Y/N!!" A voice suddenly interrupted Changbin and we both looked up. Turns out it was Sunghoon.

"Did you see my note and the box of chocolates? If so, did you decide if you're going with me?"

I glanced at Changbin as his eyebrows scrunched in as he displayed a confused look.

"Yeah Changbin I was about to tell you that Sunghoon invited me to prom... Hope you don't mind."

I watched as Changbin's face turned from a confused look to a blank face. I assume he's just surpirsed.

"Oh... That's fine I guess" he replied.

I turned to Sunghoon and smiled, "Yes I would love to go to prom with you! We can discuss a bit more later. When are you free?"

Sunghoon returned the smile and said, "I'll meet you this Friday after school? We can go out and grab some ice cream. I'll see you then!"

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