bodyguard [changbin]

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"No disagreements, this is final. You will go on a trip to celebrate your graduation. I have already booked a flight to leave tonight."

"But dad..." you mumbled.

"My bodyguard will accompany you on this trip. You better start packing up if you don't want to miss the flight." your father intersects your complaint.

Sighing in defeat, you knew that there was no other way to dispute. You gave a small nod. "Thanks."

Your father gave you a small smile. "Now hurry along. I'll have a few words with Changbin and he'll be with you shortly."

You glance at the huge figure besides your father's desk. His gaze at you gave you the shivers down your spine. You knew him to be the serious and stern bodyguard of your father, whom he has served for about 2 years now. You and him never got the chance to exchange conversation, and you believed that you wouldn't even have the courage to anytime soon.
You gave a tiny bow to your father as he nodded and waves you off. So much for a graduation present...
A knock came from the door and you gave out a few words. The door slid open and reveals your now personal bodyguard, who barely even fits through the door.

"You ready to go? The flight is in 3 hours and we're already running a bit behind on our schedule."

You nodded and replied,"Yeah I'm all set, let's go."
You started fidgeting the tips of your fingers as you watch Changbin place your bags above you. Your eyes wandered from his well built body to the people behind him. You could tell that they were all intimidated by him, and honestly you were too. From home all the way till here, he did not utter a word to you. You hoped that you would be able to talk to him on the flight. Seeing him standing, surveying the surroundings very precisely, you decided that it was the right time to interact.

"Come on I'm good. Please just come sit down?" you questioned.

Changbin was startled by your words. He looked around once more and finally he sits down.

"By the way, do you have any gum or candy with you? I like to have something to chew on while the plane takes off, it comforts me." you said, hoping for a response.

"I'm a bodyguard, why would I bring sweets with me? Just be quiet and patient." he answered. You didn't expect the cold response.
You sighed. Changbin seems to be very closed off, as if he has many stories to tell, but they were all locked up in his heart. All you need is the key to get him to open up. Changbin continues to eye at the passengers. Why does he have to be this serious with his job? Can't he just lighten up?

"Oh, the plane is taking off..." you said to no one in particular. Your hands gripped tightly on the sides of the chair as your eyes were glued shut. Even through all the darkness, you still felt his gaze laying upon you, but you continued to say nothing and let darkness surround you.
The plane stopped rumbling and you felt a shift. You eyes slowly opened and took in the light as you peered outside the window. Outside, the blue skies and white fluff greeted you.

"We're in the sky..." you quietly whispered, fascinated at the view. You have accompanied you father mulitple times on his yearly business trips. But somehow the view looks different from now. You didn't know what though, it was just the same sky?

You took your eyes off the view and your mind came back to it's state. It was only then that you realized that Changbin was staring at you.

"...You want to take a glance outside the window?" you asked, motioning him to the window. Changbin seemed taken back by your response. He stared at you for a few moments, and for the first time since the beginning, the corners of his mouth turned upward, just slightly. He stretches his body forward and tilts his head to an angle as his eyes scanned the outside world. You notice that his face softens as he positioned himself back into his seat.

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