1. minho x thomas

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haunted house frightsminho x thomas (fluff)synopsis: haunted house scares and smooches/modern auword count: 1

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haunted house frights
minho x thomas (fluff)
synopsis: haunted house scares and smooches/modern au
word count: 1.2k
warnings: use of ibuprofen, someone getting punched

somehow one of the fraternities always comes up with some elaborate haunted house for halloween at homestead university. each fraternity brother has to dress up and scare people as they navigate the uni-themed haunted house. it's always a big hit on campus and allows for people to donate for a charity at the end.

and somehow, newt convinced thomas to join him their freshman year. neither planned on ever joining a fraternity, but who doesn't love a good haunted house? well, besides thomas, who is looking around nervously as the two of them wait in line for the house. his eyes dart around at the house and all of the people in line, his shoes tapping against the concrete.

"this is going to be awful, what if they try to do something while we're in there," thomas leans his head back, his eyes peering over at newt, wondering how his dorm mate got him into this.

newt shrugs his shoulders, looking up at the last few people in front of them, "we're going to be fine. plus they have a no touch rule, apparently they had an issue years ago and had to revamp the thing. tommy, trust me. it'll be a lot of fun."

thomas rests his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow at the overly confident literature student. of course he wants to trust his dorm mate, but neither knew what they were actually doing. plus, the haunted frat house was looking increasingly terrifying the closer the two get.

"alright, but no promises that i won't-" before thomas can finish speaking, newt was welcomed into the haunted house without thomas, leaving him standing there with the blockade of a man.

the man stands there, a mask covering his face, fake blood all over his outfit. he crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks thomas over. thomas gives him a short nod while pursing his lips, acting entirely too awkward. the man waits for a moment before standing aside and ushering thomas in.

it's immediately just as dark as the night sky, thomas' hand quickly finding a handrail to walk against. lights flash through a thick fog from not too far out. thomas' eyes begin to adjust to the darkness and he can finally see some tarps in front of him.

he moves them out of the way and more lights are lit up, showing a broken down 'hallway' through what seems to be a school. there are some lockers on the side and writing along a fake brick wall. just as he reaches the next tarps, someone jumps out from a locker.

"holy shit!" thomas can't help as a man runs up to him, a fake knife in his hand with what is probably jam dripping from it.

"you don't wanna be next!" the voice is deep and eerie, watching as thomas quickly walks towards the tarp, "beware for the fifth door holds no bounds!"

thomas looks back once more and sees the person hurrying towards him, and suddenly his pace picks up a whole lot too. in the next room sits around six doors, three on each side. so that's what he means by fifth door... a sign in front of him says to pick the right door, and if he picks the wrong one, he best beware!

he looks around for a moment and picks the one closest to him. the other side has a thick black curtain and a sign saying 'wrong!' on it. thomas closes the door and turns around, looking at the other wall. he chooses the one closest to the sign and as soon as he opens it, someone jumps out.

thomas never thought of himself to be a fighter when scared, but his fist didn't seem to agree. he sends a right hook at the costumed man's face and collides with his cheek. it's fuzzy, a werewolf mask covering his face. the man stumbles to the side as thomas gasps dramatically.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry.." thomas leans forward, resting his hand on the man's shoulder, his shoulders lowering.

the man raises his hand while slumped over, giving thomas a small and gloved thumbs up. he pulls his mask off and takes a deep breath. the man's black hair is slightly damp, clumped into spikes from sweat and gel. after a moment, he looks up at thomas and shrugs, "good right hook, haven't had that happen before."

"is there anything i can do to help? normally i don't do anything like that, don't know what came over me," thomas rests his hands on his hips, looking around the room, like something could help, "i can help grab you an ice pack."

the man straightens himself and finally gets a good look at the freshman who hit him. thomas' mouth is lowered into a frown and his fingers are fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. the sophomore shrugs and nods towards the opening behind the door, "thanks, they're just this way. we figured this would probably happen at some point. by the way, the name is minho."

"sorry about the punch... minho, and i'm thomas," thomas walks through the entrance and keeps pace with minho as the two make their way through the backstage of the haunted house.

there's a fully functioning kitchen with a large freezer filled with ice packs. minho grabs one and a paper towel so that it isn't directly against his skin. he looks back at thomas and laughs a little, "it's fine dude, seriously. by the way, seriously good punch, you do any sports for the college?"

"i do track and field, mostly mile runs and high jump," thomas leans against a cabinet, wondering how he could help the attractive athlete in front of him, "uh, where's your ibuprofen? i feel like i'm just sitting here doing nothing."

minho shakes his head a little, another laugh ensuing, "nah, you're not doing nothing, being handsome ain't nothing. and the ibuprofen is in the corner cabinet, just two please."

thomas walks up to the cabinet and starts searching for the ibuprofen, unsure how to react to the handsome comment. of course he feels the same way about minho, but thomas hasn't necessarily been known for his charm and relationships. he grabs a couple from the bottle and hands them over, his fingers running along minho's palm.

"thanks tom, i guess i should be heading back there and doing my job. don't wanna be signaled out by my fraternity brothers again, they're a little crazy sometimes," minho stands up straight, a smile hidden beneath the ice pack.

thomas shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets, "well maybe i could see you again, make sure that gets healed?"

"didn't know you were the forward type thomas."

"oh- i'm so sorry, i just-"

"i'm joking, i'm usually in the library on thursdays if you wanna perform a check up doc," minho opens the freezer and sticks the thawing ice pack back in.

thomas nods, bringing a hand out and rubbing the back of his neck. he takes a step back, "i'll be there, promise. now, could you point me to the way out because i only wanna punch one handsome fraternity member this evening."

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