1.1 suna rintarō

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an unlikely duosuna rintarō x fem!reader (fluff)synopsis: you're forced to figure skate with a well known hockey playerword count: 1

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an unlikely duo
suna rintarō x fem!reader (fluff)
synopsis: you're forced to figure skate with a well known hockey player
word count: 1.3k
warnings: this is part 1

    you've recently come to the conclusion that your hometown is far too obsessed with christmas events. one of them being that you have to perform a routine with a hockey player. one that has little to no finesse and lost the same lottery that you did (albeit, it was likely rigged by a close friend). your mind races with the thought of one of them accidentally slashing you while trying to perform with you.

a look of disgust crosses your face, and it goes far from unnoticed from your fellow figure skater, kiyoko, "it'll be fine, i have to perform with one too.."

"yea, but you get to perform with your husband. who, by the way, has practiced figure skating with you. i'll probably get some macho, skating is just for hockey players, kind of guy," you raise your eyebrows, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

  "it's going to be fine, y/n. i asked ryū if he thought the guy would be a good fit and he does! he doesn't know him super well, but this 'suna' seems like a nice guy."

  you shake your head, walking back towards the changing rooms so that you can put your skates on. of course she believes he'll give glowing reviews, he's tanaka. he's probably the friendliest guy you know and is always up for helping kiyoko set you up with people.

  "you're doubting me, and my husband, aren't you?" kiyoko catches up to you, leaving the cork board filled with papers behind.

  with a short shrug, you turn to look at her, your eyebrows narrowed. every person that they set you up with in the past has not exactly been within your grasp. leaving you to awkwardly leave the date and never say anything again. now, though, you're forced to spend more than enough time with this mystery 'suna'.

  "more like doubting that he'll be as nice as tanaka believes him to be-"

  "you know, he's fine with you calling him ryū. we both love you a lot, y/n. and we're both just looking out for you. you're like the little sister i never asked for," kiyoko instantly begins to laugh, nudging your arm as you sit on the room's benches, your hands reaching for your skates.

  your mouth sits open for a second, shaking your head, "unbelievable, i can't believe i've been betrayed like this."

  kiyoko continues to laugh as she grabs her skates down, tying them around her ankles. you finish tying your own and slip your jacket off, turning to face her.

  "so, when do we start practicing for this thing?"

  "uh, well, today actually..." kiyoko doesn't look up at you, her lips pursed, her fingers still playing with her laces.

  you narrow your eyes at her, an amazed laugh somehow coming out of your mouth. with a sharp, tsk, you lean back against the wall. today, that's hardly enough time to let you research the man. let alone enough time for kiyoko to give you a breather.

  it takes you a moment, but finally, you gain enough composure to sigh and scratch the back of your neck. "you're so lucky i love you, because if not, i might've killed you just now," you lean forward as your elbows rest on your knees.

"sorry... i should've told you sooner, i mean i was on the committee. but i'm sure it'll be fine, you'll love him. in the meantime, how about we get started on the ice," kiyoko rests her hand on yours, a smile on her face.

  while a part of you knows you should be upset, but you know you can never truly be angry at her. you intertwine your fingers with hers and give your hand a light squeeze. with a light tilt of your head and an over dramatic sigh, the two of you get out into the ice.

  it's smooth, freshly run over by the zamboni. your skates glide over it as you breathe in the cold air. it circulates your lungs as you make a full circle around the rink. every morning that you go through this is a morning worth remembering. today will just be a little tainted by a certain individual encroaching on your space.

  you take one spin, letting your blade dance atop the ice. when your other leg hits the ground, you feel the adrenaline already pumping through your veins. "you seem to already be having fun," kiyoko skates over to you, her signature smile on her face.

  "cold air helps me get over my grievances easier," you shrug, scrunching up your nose as she rolls her eyes.

  "good thing you'll be skating with suna then. plenty of cold air as you teach him how to do a twist-"

  "a twist? yeah i'd rather be forced to do quadruple axel than have some hockey player throwing me through the air like i'm a doll. especially when they're not known for their elegancy," a sigh slips past your lips, your eyes wide open in surprise.

  kiyoko shakes her head, looking past you for a second. you turn around, wondering what she's looking at. your eyes narrow as you see a few guys stroll into the skating rink. you look back at her and then back at them, "why are there three?"

  "michimiya is late... she'll be here soon though. she's paired with daichi," kiyoko crosses her arms, skating around you, moving around.

  you shrug your shoulders, rolling your eyes, "so everyone gets someone they know but me? they were best friends in high school. and i get some guy from who knows where and is probably annoying and will end up sending me to the floor."

  "give him more credit than that, y/n. please, give him a chance, i promise he'll be okay. if not, then you can kill me," kiyoko brings her hand up to your shoulder and attempts to console you.

  "fine, let's go meet him," you lean your head back, skating over towards the nearby benches.

  they're completely empty due to the rink being closed for your practices. meanwhile, the three men make their way over, walking in a distinct line. tanaka stands in the front of the line and leads the two others towards where he'll get his skates on.

  behind him is daichi, and in the very back seems to be the man named suna. his dark hair sticks out of a beanie, a large bag thrown around his shoulder. there's a certain lack of enthusiasm on his face (probably one that matches a soft frown lining your lips). there are wired headphones hooked up to what looks like an mp3 player.

  you look back at kiyoko for a moment and sigh, rolling your eyes before finishing your skating to the side the rink. kiyoko immediately greets tanaka who reaches over the side to give him a hug. he is quick to give you a hello as well, a smile still wide on his face.

  however, your eyes stay trained on your soon to be partner. he immediately pulls out his hockey skates and starts lacing them up. you wait for a moment before finally saying something, "uh, suna? i'm your partner for the event, l/n."

he doesn't look up, his eyes trained on his laces and his ears still filled with some music. you speak a little louder, repeating his name again to somehow gain his attention. once again, it goes unnoticed by the seemingly preoccupied hockey player.

you look over at kiyoko who is shrugging her shoulders, pursing her lips. with your eyes practically shooting daggers at her, you knock on the railing of the tink, "suna!"

"what?!" he finally looks up, his eyes wide in surprise at your loud attempt to catch his attention.

"i'm your partner for the event, l/n. how about you take out those headphones before you meet me on the ice?" you turn around, skating off before he has an attempt to say anything, mouthing 'asshat' to yourself.

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