3. spencer reid

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mr. and mrs. claus
spencer reid x fem!reader (fluff)
synopsis: christmas morning with the kids
word count: 1.3k
warnings: use of mom/beautiful/mrs.claus for reader, maybe too adorable??

snow flutters down the side of the house, a mixture of packed snow from the roof and flurries. some of it hits the window, barely visible under the dark veil of the early morning hours. you take in a deep breath before turning to your husband. his eyes are still closed, his right arm laying across your torso, hair sitting wildly on his head.

  "honey.. hon, it's like six and the kids are going to start waking up soon," the words release from your lips like a whisper, quiet, calm.

  however, his eyelids barely move, his hand simply tightening around a part of your shirt. you let out a sigh as your shoulders drop a little. "spence, don't you want a lovely christmas moment with me before the kids wake up? you know they wake up early on christmas," you attempt to wake him up again.

  once again, he barely moves, and instead continues breathing steadily. finally, you thought of what you could do to wake him up from his beauty rest. you reach down and pull the blanket off of you, your body moving to get up from the bed. instantly, spencer is grumbling something as his other hand reaches out to grab your hand.

  "are you awake now?" you turn back to look at him, kind of regretting your plan as the cool night air sends chills up your legs.

  spencer's eyes flutter open and he lightly nods, letting out a deep sigh. "yes.. yes i'm awake now babe," he finally opens his eyes all of the way and looks you up and down.

"are you really?" your hand squeezes his, a light twinkle in your eyes.

his hand squeezes yours back before slithering away from you, his body moving so that he can sit up. spencer than looks up at and nods, a sleepy smile strewn across his face, "i definitely am lovely."

you bite your lip, the nickname sending a slight tingle across your brain. it's sweet, one that he started calling you on the second date. it came out of nowhere, the two of you barely knowing each other. maybe it was the drinks or some kind of miracle, but it stuck. now he finds a time to say it every day.

  "great- because i don't think i could handle the minds by myself-"

  "mom!! dad!! it's time for the presents!" a young screaming girl comes busting down the door, an even younger boy following quickly behind.

  the young girl, lizzy, is pulling the younger boy, matty, by the arm until they reach the bed. spencer looks up at you once more before slipping out of the sheets and picking up lizzy. he holds her tight and immediately wakes up more, "it's christmas time! we need to see what santa got you kiddos!"

  you nod and pick up matty by the armpits and follow the two of them down the stairs. the railings are lined with festive garland intertwined with red ribbons. down the stairs is their living room, the living room that you and spencer had built, decorated. a tree sits in front of the window and has an array of homemade ornaments adorning it.

  lizzy is already squealing with joy as she sees a large gift wrapped in yellow, her favorite color. a handwritten note on the front of it. matty, still fairly young, can't entirely recognize what it is, but still waves his arms in excitement with the rest of you.

  spencer raises her up, like she's flying, and he asks her a question, "who's the most excited girl for christmas?"

  "i am! i am daddy!" lizzy brings her hands down, grabbing towards him, letting her hands rest on his cheeks as he starts to bring her down. she does it all the time after seeing you caressing his cheeks after he comes him from work.

  he lets her down and she's off like a race car driver, her five-year old hands ripping the wrapping paper off like it's nothing. you're quick to let matty down as well, letting him run over so that he can follow suit, spencer leading him to his gift. his is a light green, spencer's handwriting describing how excited santa is to give them his gifts.

  once the two are pulling off the wrapping paper, spencer takes a few steps back to you, wrapping his arm around your waist. it's little moments like these that make you appreciate it the most. spencer's love, your kids having the time of their lives, a spark of hope and happiness.

  "mom! do you see this? it's a house, with a unicorn on it!! just like from my little pony, how did he know i wanted it?" lizzy opened the little door, her fingers running through some fake flowers at the edge of the window.

  "yeah honey, it looks amazing! santa truly has a gift to picking the right gift. what would you say to him if you could?"

  lizzy enters the small house and looks outside the window, her finger tapping her chin, "i'd tell him that he's the greatest! besides you guys of course..."

  spencer can't help but laugh a little, his hand tightening around your shirt, rolling his eyes. matty brings his hands up to his cheeks as soon as he realizes what his gift is. it's a small soccer goal, ball included. typically he catches you watching soccer games from your time as a player, and he loves sitting down and indulging with you.

  he would sometimes find your old soccer ball in the basement while you're doing laundry and would kick it around. leaving you to find the perfect gift for santa to give to your favorite (totally not just only) son. while the two look closely at their respective gifts, you turn to look at the only gift you would ever need.

  "hear that... mr. claus? you're the greatest," you whisper, grabbing the collars of his matching christmas pajamas.

  spencer leans forward, his lips brushing against your ear, "well mrs. claus, a man is only as good as a third of what his partner ultimately is."

  his head than leans back and he gives you a soft smile, his free hand finding its way to your cheek. it's soft, despite the field work he does, as his thumb runs right under your eye. you bring your hand up to his hip and let your finger wrap around his shirt. a smile lightens on your face as you feel your heartbeat quicken like a lovesick kid.

  "you flatter me, you know that?"

  "oh i'll keep doing it then, you lovely, beautiful, might i add a little strong, caring, amazing, extraordinarily-"

  you cut him off with a kiss, an all encompassing kiss. one that wants to both shut him up, but also show to him just how much you love him. love his voice, the look in his eyes, the way his fingers run across your cheeks, the way he is raising the two best kids that you love and care for.

  "ewww can't we just keep opening gifts?!" lizzy's voice whines into your ears, forcing the two of you to pull apart with a laugh.

  you quickly nod your head, pointing at the gifts sitting under the tree, "yeah, you know how it works babe. youngest to oldest, start sorting them out!"

  spencer leans over and kisses your cheek as you direct lizzy around, your voice than directing matty to get into his usual spot, him giving you a short 'okay'. the spot leaves a sense of warmth right above your cheekbone. you look back at him and attempt to hold back a smile.

  "i love you."

  "i love you too, mrs. claus."

  "okay you can stop calling me that now, it's making me feel old."

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