2. thomas x teresa

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hold on, for methomas x teresa (angst)synopsis: canon divergenceword count: 1kwarnings: death, bleeding, explosions

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hold on, for me
thomas x teresa (angst)
synopsis: canon divergence
word count: 1k
warnings: death, bleeding, explosions

the veins in janson's forehead pop out, thomas' fingers feeling the pulse racing through his jugular. despite janson's hands pulling at thomas' shirt, ripping sections off, he can still feel the muscles with every clench. "you'll regret thi-" janson's now gravely voice is cut off by the sound of snapping, his eyes bulging.

no amount of blood-curdling noises or the sight of janson's tongue jutting from his mouth can stop thomas' blind rage. their capture, the experiments set on them, newt's body filled with a metal bullet. all of their lives were consequently ruined by janson's actions, by his blindness for something else. thomas' hands stay wrapped around janson's throat, body limp.

the sound of explosions burst his eardrums, face red with anger. even the palm of a hand slapping the side of his face can't seem to shake him from such violence. a noise, a voice of sorts, shouts in his ear. he can't quite tell what it is, the noise a mere buzz compared to the building falling around him. "he's dead!" minho appears in front of him, shaking his shoulders to bring thomas back to his senses.

"he's dead," minho's voice softs as thomas stares back into his eyes, knowing he finally got through to the runner.

thomas finally lets go of janson's neck, bruises forming where his hands were, leaving an eerie shadow. he stumbles upwards, minho helping him stabilize before pulling him close, shouting in his ear, "we put them all out of commission! we need to go!"

two explosions rattle the storage room. minho and thomas push through the dust and debris as they run for the maintenance room, ignoring the walls crumbling around them. a piece of ceiling falls next to them, sending thomas to the ground, his arm scratched and soon to be bruised. minho grabs at thomas's arms, one hand under his armpit, pulling him until his feet can gain traction.

  the ground rumbles as another explosion goes off in a nearby room, throwing minho against a wall. his body slams into the wall, a groan leaving his lips. "we need to hurry!" thomas shouts, pulling minho, trying to throw minho's arm over his shoulder.

  minho stumbles to follow him, nearly running into brenda who appeared from another hallway. as thomas lays eyes on her, he instantly thinks to teresa. where is she? is she injured, dead? as if he manifested her himself, she runs up to them, tumbling through the rocky flooring.

  she's dirty, blood smeared around different parts of her clothing. teresa's gaze lands on thomas, the sight of a large piece of ceiling tearing from the rest of it. she shouts for him, running towards him, "get out of the way!"

  just as she jumps towards him, the piece falls from the ceiling. every part of her wanted to make up for the pain she had caused thomas, even if she believed in wicked's intentions. she wanted to watch him grow old with happiness in a free land. she wanted him to love her just as she did for him. maybe, in a way, he does, especially when he takes the last second to push her away.

  the ceiling collapses onto thomas' legs and midsection. it crushes his bones and organs, blood seeping onto the tile flooring. "thomas!" her voice screeches at a tone that never seemed possible for her, completing taking over the sounds of rocks colliding around them.

  his face is covered in grime, and she can't help but run to him, yelling his name again. she pictures him nearly dying to gally, the spear just nearly colliding with him. the thought of wicked taking a saw to his skull, blood splattering. he could've died in so many ways, in so many times. yet, now, when all he could've done is let teresa do the right thing, he can't stop it.

  "thomas! please! please, i can't do this without you! i'm sorry!"

  he looks over at her, eyes meeting hers, watching as the blue fades into a clouded gray. his mouth barely moves, the sounds of his voice quiet and only audible as she moves in closer, "me too... i only ever cared for..."

his lips stop moving, time freezes around teresa and all she can do is watch, "thomas, just hang on a little longer! please! you have to hang on just a little longer!"

she brings her hands up to his face, pushing back the hair that hung down, "thomas, just a little longer, for me." tears build up in her eyes, cascading only after it begins to blur her vision. for a moment, she realizes that that could've been her. teresa could've been the one to have left thomas alive. she could've taken the easier route than being alive without the only person she ever truly loved.

teresa's hands pull from him as someone yanks her away from thomas. they pull vigorously, her body numb and unable to fight whoever had the strength to still save her. after everything she did, after everyone decided she was the betrayer. they still pulled her through the rubble and continuous falling of the building around them. when she finally catches a glimpse of who was pulling her, minho, she knew that this was her defining moment.

minho, the man who hated her since the building, the one who never trusted her, saved her. maybe it was because she attempted to save thomas. maybe it was because he knew that thomas would've done anything to save her if he had the chance, and that was enough for him. she held back tears and strengthened herself enough to make it through the maintenance door with them.

on the other side is a flat trans, the room empty of any other people. she looks over at minho and quickly follows him towards the flat trans. the echos of flames crackling behind them accompany the thick booming of the building slowly falling and crushing every room with it. any second they could be dead, but all teresa could think of before jumping forward into the icy grey wall is thomas.

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