1.2 suna rintarō

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sparks between yousuna rintarō x fem!reader (fluff)synopsis: practicing with a hockey player for an eventword count: 1

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sparks between you
suna rintarō x fem!reader (fluff)
synopsis: practicing with a hockey player for an event
word count: 1.1k
warnings: part 2, skate blades

    "all you have to do is toss me a little, not throw, mr. reckless," you skate up to suna, your hands reaching for his, "and you have to position your hands here on my hips."

  your fingers interlace with his, hands guiding his until they're up against your hips. his fingertips glide across your bodysuit, the feeling carries through to your skin, sending goosebumps along your torso. you look back at him and give him a short smile, "we'll start with you slightly lifting me off the ground and dropping me on the ice."

it took a couple of practices for the two of you to get where you are. the first one filled with you criticizing his hockey skates, stating that 'they aren't built for this', and him commenting that it won't matter since it's just for a day. he would turn away from you a lot, rolling his eyes at your instructions. you end up giving kiyoko daggers through your eyes since you're stuck with the most stubborn person alive (besides yourself).

you nearly strangled him by the end of the practice and told kiyoko such. through a long phone call you shared all of your grievances with the hockey player. she ensured you that all will be alright if you just give him a viable chance. due to her reason and influence, you promised yourself you would be better for the next practice.

the second practice started with a short truce that suna actually ended up initiated...

"i'm sorry... for my attitude the other day. i get that this is your thing and you understand better than i do. let's get this done and then we can part ways forever," suna holds out his hand, a pair of cloth gloves covering his probably freezing fingers.

you bite your lip, looking between his eyes and his hand. without thinking much of it, you hold out your hand and give his a short shake. his hand is rather cold against your own glove. when you look up at his eyes, you can see the heat from his mouth forming a small cloud of fog. suna gives you a short smile and pulls his hand away, "we should get started then..."

"right, how about we work on spinning? not your forte, i know, but we wanna win," you begin ruffling through a large duffel bag that you had brought, causing suna to look around you in an attempt to get a peek, "but that means you need a blade with a toe pick."

you pull out an old pair of your uncle's figure skates (the main reason you ever got into skating). it's battered, definitely having seen better days, but it works for what you're trying to accomplish. suna stands there for a moment, his mouth open a little.

"trying to compete with hockey skates are dangerous due to the make of them, so, wouldn't want mr. reckless to get hurt in the middle of a season."

something about the two of you changed, the way you interacted was no longer tense. he'd finally face you while rolling his eyes at your instructions. he finally gives you a small smile when you say something funny. suna's hands even grip you a little better and you can practically feel him lighten a little.

  he brings you up, using his upper body strength to toss you a little. with what little space you have, you accomplish a half spin, landing with one leg out. you let out a small sigh as you turn around to look at him, your eyebrows raised.

  "well suna, it seems we have something that we can work with," you rest your hands on your hips, skating back towards him.

  suna shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms across his chest, biting back a smile, "seems we do, i guess we have you to thank for that. because i really have no idea what i'm doing."

  you shake your head, skating around him on the somewhat jagged ice. the two of you began your practice after kiyoko and tanaka's and the zamboni hadn't had a chance to smooth it out. you bring yourself to a stop and hold out your hand, your fingers wiggling while you wait for suna to grab it.

  he raises an eyebrow, nervously putting out his hand to grab yours. "what are we doing now?" suna runs his thumb against the back of your hand, a chill following quickly behind.

"we're going to skate side by side, i mean, you can't just be throwing me around to get points," you pull him towards you, gliding your skate against the ice, letting his skates follow suit, "we have to find a rhythm, work together, just for another week..."

"yes, another week," suna looks away for a moment before he begins to copy your footwork, his skates moving harmoniously with yours.

the two of you start around the rink, his free hand moving until it latches onto your waist, keeping him with you. he moves ahead of you, skating backward, his fingers still resting firmly against your hip. you bring your free hand up to his shoulder and replicate that of the waltz. as you look into his eyes, it feels as though the two of you have been skating together forever.

he goes to turn around, continue behind you, but something catches on his skates. suna falls onto his back; his hand that's latched onto you, brings you down with him. he slides against the cold ice, his eyes closed in anguish. suna's arm is still around your waist as he instinctively protected you from the fall.

you let out a soft sigh, breathing heavily, "um- you okay?"

"okay? i mean, i did just slip on some ice and completely ate it-" he begins to complain about what happened, but he quickly stops as soon as he opens his eyes.

the first thing that he sees is you staring back at him, eyebrows furrowed. your eyes search his golden-hazel eyes, your noses nearly touching. he doesn't know what to do besides give you a small smile and shrug, "i'll be okay, though. trust me, hockey is a contact sport."

his reassurance sends a smile to your face and he looks away from you. you finally realize just how awkward of a situation the two of you are. "uh, thanks for the save suna, appreciate it," you bring your leg over him and rest your knee on the ice.

suna lets go of your waist, his fingers sliding off of your torso like he didn't quite want to let go yet. you watch as he brings himself to his feet, holding out his hand for you to grab. when your hand takes his for another time, it becomes clear to you that initially misjudged the hockey player.

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