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Andorra gripped her coffee filled mug tightly, her glare sharp like daggers as she looked at Santana, her jaw set. "What if I refuse?"

Santana remained calm, already having suspected that the young girl would react that way. "If you refuse, the entire trial will be in danger and her witness statement might be taken into doubt."

Andorra let go of her mug, afraid of breaking her favorite one and crossed her arms in front of her chest, raising her eyebrow. She was sure as hell going to fight this. "What about the other witnesses and their statements? Just because I happen to like one, it doesn't mean that I'm involved with the others."

Santana remained calm while Hernandez and Sofia watched. "It doesn't matter if you're involved with them or not, if people find out that you might be involved with one of the witnesses, they might start to question that you're also involved with the others."

Andorra began to tap her foot, her patience starting to grow thinner and thinner. "That's total bullshit! What about the literal video that everyone saw yesterday?"

Santana smiled sadly. "I know it's bullshit. It is bullshit, I agree. But the truth is that we're still in a country where men rule the systems. You're not fighting against just one man, you're up against the whole federation. If you win this trial, it will send a whole new message. Not just in Spain but to the whole wide world. Because of two facts, you, as a woman, winning a trial against a federation run by men and the fact that you're still only 18 years old. As for the video, people might say that the video is fake, made by some kind of incredible AI or photo-shopped together."

Andorra groaned annoyed and took a sip from her coffee, crossing her arms afterwards again. "What if we date under the covers? So, like, in private?"

Santana firmly shook her head. "You need to understand that we cannot risk anything here. Especially not when we're this close to winning this trial. I also propose that the only time you see Aitana is in the courtroom. She can't be seen leaving your house. You never know when or where people are watching. You have to understand that there are thousands, no, millions of women in the world walking in the streets in protest."

Andorra rolled her eyes. "What do you even know about it?"

Santana smiled softly. "I know more about it than you would realise. When I was in high-school, I was a closeted bitch. I fell in love with my best friend, refusing to listen to my own feelings, then got outed to practically the entirety of America in a commercial and then got disowned by my own abuela because she thought that it wasn't how it's supposed to go. Now I'm happily married with my wife and we have 2 kids. Point is, I know what it's like to have to hide your feelings to the world but you're not alone. It's only until after the World Cup."

Andorra rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Until after the World Cup? What kind of fucking bullshit is that?"

"Language!" Sofia looked at her daughter with warning eyes, the young girl understanding that she will get a chancla thrown at her head otherwise. While Santana calmly continued. "It's just safety measures. I'm sorry."

Andorra downed her coffee and shook her head. "It's fucking bullshit. That's what it-" She was interrupted as Sofia had thrown her chancla at Andorra. "I told you to watch your language."

Andorra angrily slammed her mug down and threw her arms around. "You know what? Fine. I will see you in court tomorrow Miss Lopez. I'm glad that you got your happy ending. I am going out for a run. Or am I not allowed to do that either?"

Santana smiled a small smile. "Of course you are."

Andorra's voice dripped with sarcasm as she thanked the older Latina and then left the kitchen, throwing the doors closed behind them as she walked through. Hernandez was ready to yell after her but Sofia held him back.

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