Treinta y dos

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Andorra cried for 3 days and nights straight. She barely ate or drank anything and was unable to catch any sleep.

Whenever she closed her eyes, the faces of her family would doom up behind her eyelids and her eyes would shoot wide open, causing restless nights and a really tough time.

Everything that her family had owned was immediately transferred over to her, which meant that 19 year old Andorra was now the owner of Microsoft, had a mansion, a BMW i8 coupé, a second house on Ibiza, a private jet and a private yacht, besides all of the stuff that was in their houses and a multi-billionaire. Together with the death of her family, Andorra became the middle point of social media once again as tragedy seem to be following her around and strike her when it seemed to be going better with her.

The only thing that Andorra did, before she shut her social media off from notifications, was a picture of her mom, her dad and her brother in black and white with a little flying dove emoji underneath it because truly no kind of words could even begin to explain how she was feeling.

Despite her grief, the ex-footballer still encouraged Aitana to keep playing football, knowing full well that the midfielder and her parents were also grieving and she knew that Aitana found release and happiness in the game that the two of them loved.

And thus, the midfielder kept going to her practices, leaving as late as possible and also coming home as fast as possible. The 4th day after Andorra had identified her parents, Aitana came home to see her parents in the living room and voices coming from the kitchen. Rosa looked up at her daughter and answered the unasked question. "Miss Lopez, that one lawyer from the trial, is in the kitchen talking to Andorra. Her family left her a lot behind and they need to talk about everything. How was practice, sweetheart?"

Aitana set her bag down and nodded her head in understanding. "Practice was good. It's nice to get out and just.. not think about it for a short while. I'm going to check up on An though."

Vincent nodded his head and Aitana walked into the kitchen, walking in mid-conversation, both women so deep in conversation that neither of them noticed a third person walking in. "...nd you're absolutely sure that you want to sell the houses? Both of them?"

Andorra rubbed her forehead, her eyes casted downwards, big dark circles underneath her eyes, her face had gotten thinner and her skin was whiter than normal and her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, a slow nod starting as she moved her head, her voice was small but steady. "Yeah, I won't be using the one on Ibiza for sure and the house here is... just..." She fell silent through the sentence as she thought about how lonely the big house could become when everyone had been alive.

She couldn't fathom how lonely it had to feel now.

Aitana spoke up softly, Santana's eyes shifting over to look at the midfielder. "I can help you with figuring out what you want to keep and what needs to go into a storage or somewhere else. I'll be here with you every step on the way."

Santana smiled softly at the midfielder while the ex-footballer kept staring at the table. "I need to go there on my own first."

"Are you sure about that?"

Andorra nodded her head. "Yes."

They finalized their conversation and after Selena had left, Andorra stood up from the kitchen table, hugged her girlfriend tightly and after a short conversations about Aitana her practice, Andorra grabbed her coat and keys and left the Bonmatí residence. 

And there she stood, dressed in her oversized coat, in front of the mansion that now belonged to her.

She took the keys out of her coat's pocket and shakily put the designated key into the front door. It was something that she had done countless of times, but now, knowing that no one would be home, it was the most difficult task she had ever needed to do. She turned it and then opened the door, a soft creaking sound emitting from the door as Andorra was met with an empty hallway filled with empty objects. Objects that once belonged to people but not anymore. 

They were now just objects that belonged to no-one.

she swallowed the lump in her throat, took a deep breath and then stepped inside of the house, the door closing behind her.

She felt sick.

She was nauseous as she slowly moved through the house, everything around her belonged to her parents. Not her.

It was impossible that everything that she saw, that she touched, that she knew, now belonged to her.

Her feet dragged her through the house, her mind wasn't working with her as she walked through the house, the feeling of loneliness overwhelming her, she entered her parents' bedroom, her fingers going over the covers of the soft bed, looking at the closet, the picture on the nightstand of the family, everything was so peaceful. The windows were still open because her mom hated the smell when a room wasn't ventilated enough.

How could her parents leave her?

the room she went in next was Louis' room. That's where she lost it. the only thought that was left in her brain was the question how they could leave her behind like that.

Never saying goodbye.

They were supposed to come back from their trip. 

She looked at everything in the room and anger filled her veins as she picked things up and started to throw them, trashing the room, moving through the entire house, she smashed everything that she could see, leaving the entire house in a havoc until she eventually landed in the living room where her eyes came across a picture on the wall.

It was a picture that the 4 of them had taken just 2 days before their deaths.

All of her anger immediately dissipated as she looked at it, gently taking it from the wall and cradling the picture close to her body, her knees giving in as she sat down on the wooden floor, her eyes moving around to look at the havoc she had caused, reality settling in again as she knew that her parents wouldn't be coming home and yell at her for destroying everything.

She just clutched the picture close to her chest, sadness and anger overwhelming any other kind of emotion.

She was angry that her parents wouldn't come back to her. She was angry that her stupid brother wouldn't annoy her. She was angry that the universe was taking everything from her.

She was the most angry at the fact that the universe had decided to take their lives and not hers. She should have been the one in their place or be with them.

She wasn't supposed to live this life without them. 

She sat there, surrounded by glass, clutching the picture of the 4 of them smiling to her chest and all she could do was cry for 3 hours straight until a strong yet soft hand gently grabbed her shoulder. Andorra looked up through her tears and saw Aitana crouching before her, pain in her eyes. "Come on, let's get you home."

Andorra shook her head. "I need to get Paco."

Aitana had no idea who or what Paco was but nodded her head regardless. Andorra weakly got up and left the living room to get to her brother's bedroom where she grabbed Louis' very old Stitch stuffed animal. 

It was named Paco because calling him Stitch would have felt like a rip off so when he got him, Louis was set on calling him Paco. Andorra walked down the stairs and walked back to Aitana. nothing was said between the two when Andorra hugged the midfielder tightly, her arms around the midfielder's waist.

The hugs that Andorra had been giving over the past couple of days had been cuddles and hugs from a place of pain, a need for human support where this one, she knew, was out of love. A thanks that couldn't be expressed into words. 

The two of them stood there, together, one piece of Andorra's life that was going well while everything else around her had literally crumbled down into pieces.

When their hug broke up, Aitana gently led Andorra back home where Andorra sat down at the table together with Rosa and Vincent to write the eulogy that she wanted to give at the funeral that would take place the very next day.


You don't understand how emotionally heavy this is to write.

Anyway, we have only a couple of things left in this story. If there is anything that you want to see in this story at all, this is the time to say it because otherwise the end will be nearing upon us. Hehehehe

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