-10- A date with Enji

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I break down. The explosion echoes through the halls, barely audible in my cell, but I heard it.

I just heard Chishiya die. I heard his neck explode, I heard his life ending. I just heard Chishiya die. I heard my soul being ripped out, my emotions flatlining.

I just heard revenge.

Revenge I will take upon Enji. Revenge I will live by, revenge that will make him bleed. Revenge that won't heal me, but definitely will make me feel better. Sweet sweet revenge. Painful revenge. All for Enji.

And then I hear it. A single door opening. Footsteps. Silence. Long silence.

And an annoying voice, "I've just won.". Enjis laughters breaks the silence, seals his fate of a painful death. He's laughing like a madman, someone possessed. He's crazy. But right now, I'm crazier.

With anger bubbling inside of me, I take all the strength I have left and carefully open my door. I step out slowly, carefully emerging from the door, and spot a confused looking Enji.

"I knew you were the Jack." I breathe out, "But I didn't know you'd be so stupid to anger me, but not finishing the job."

"H—How are you still alive?" He asks in disbelief, inching away from me as I stalk closer, dried tears and blood on my face.

"You can call it my true calling in life." I spit, and crack my knuckles, "I was bought merely on this earth to harm you Enji. To kill you for what you've just done."

"B—But I didn't do anything." He stutters out, walking backwards, "I am just playing the game."

"Yeah and you're losing." I smile maliciously at him, while stalking even closer, "You're going to die today Enji. You're going to die for killing Chishiya. You're going to suffer this last hour you have in this world before you die by giving the wrong symbol. And if your lucky, you guess the right one and the torture will continue."

"Yuki I–"

With a loud crack, my fist collides with his nose, making him fall on the floor. Blood gashes out of his nose, as he terrifyingly tries to shield himself, just as another fist kisses his cheekbone.

"You're going to bleed to death Enji, and if it's the last thing I'll do in my life!" I shout and swing to punch him again, but a creaking door steals my attention. The rusty old door opens, and with slow steps, he walks out.

My Chishiya.

"I had a feeling you were the Jack of hearts." He says nonchalantly, as he's stepping out completely, "And I had a feeling you had that beating coming."

Standing there paralyzed, I stare at Chishiya. He's alive. He's healthy, he seems fine, unharmed. His eyes meet mine, and I see relief in them. Tears prickle up in my own, as Enji hesitantly stands up, an even more shocked gaze on his face as he stares at Chishiya.

"But, how did you..."

"You teamed up with Banda from the start." Chishiya interrupts him, "—and he's a murderer, so it just made sense. Even if you were somehow moved by Banda's speech, I knew you wouldn't trust him. You don't trust strangers, certainly not as fast as that."

Another door opens, and Banda walks out, smirking at me and then Enji, "Most people won't even talk to a guy like me, but you wanted to kill me right away, so I wanted to see if you were smart or just stupid. Whether you were a psychopath."

Enji is visibly confused, stuttering again, "You mean..."

"You thought you were controlling me. This whole time I was manipulating you into thinking that way." Banda grins, "Ultimately it was your huge priority complex that gave you away. Especially as Yuki knew you were the Jack a long time ago."

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