-15- Alice is back

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We dash out of the parking deck, the blimp's imminent crash casting a shadow over our triumphant escape. As we emerge into the chaotic aftermath, I collide with Arisu, surprise etched on both our faces.

"Arisu!" I exclaim, surprised to see him here amidst the chaos. Without hesitation, I pull him into a tight embrace, relieved to see a familiar face in the midst of this surreal situation.

"Yuki, I didn't expect to find you here," Arisu says, his voice tinged with concern as he returns the embrace.

"I thought you were..." I start, but he interrupts with a wry smile.

"Yeah, thought the same about you. Nice to see you in one piece, though."

"Are you okay?" I ask him worried, "You have enough Visa?"

He nods, "I do. Are you okay?"

My mind races with worry for my sisters. "Have you seen Mariko or Nio?" I ask urgently, searching his eyes for any sign of reassurance.

Arisu shakes his head, disappointment evident in his expression. "No, I haven't seen them. I've been looking for Usagi. Have you seen her?"

I shake my head in return, feeling a pang of guilt for not being able to provide any helpful information. "No, I haven't.

Key interjects, "Guys, we need to find a place to stay. The city's falling apart."

Nodding in agreement, I point toward the direction of my home, "My old apartment is a few minutes from here. Let's head there."

As we navigate the chaotic streets, Arisu leans in and asks, "Where were you guys headed? What's the plan?"

"I need to go to the King of Diamonds game," I explain, urgency in my voice. "Chishiya's in there, and I won't leave him alone."

Arisu raises an eyebrow, "Chishiya?"

"Yeah," I nod, "We wanted to play the king together, but the game was full and the king of spades crept in, so I had to run."

Key chimes in, "Thank god. That's how I found you."

I smile, "Yeah, at least something good has happened." I turn to Arisu, "You joining us? Relax for the night?"

He shrugs, "I don't know. I need to find Usagi."

"You want us to help you?" Key asks Arisu.

"Why?" Arisu asks him, "You don't even know me."

Key snorts, "You know Yuki. Any friend of her's is a friend of mine."

I wink at Arisu, "You want our help?"

Arisu ponders for a few moments, and meets my eyes, "No. Thank you. I will look for her, and you will look for Chishiya."

"I—, Thank you Arisu." I smile at him, "I hope I'll see you again."

"You will." He grins as he hugs me before he awkwardly smiles at Key, "It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too." Key grins at him.

Arisu smiles at me one last time, before he leaves into a side street. I sigh loudly, and continue walking down the road towards my old apartment.

As Key and I walk home, the city around us still chaotic, I can't shake the underlying fear for my sisters and the unease about returning to my apartment. Despite the urgency of our situation, I manage to mask my emotions, not wanting to burden Key with my concerns.

"So, Yuki," Key starts, oblivious to my internal struggle, "what have you been up to since we last saw each other? After the fire, I mean."

I take a deep breath, pushing aside my anxieties for a moment. "Well, I almost died in the fire. Don't know if you saw, but Niargi almost killed me."

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