-23- I know that look

23 2 8

I leave the tunnel behind me, the echoes of Niragi's twisted laughter still ringing faintly in my ears. Every step forward feels like I'm wading through thick mud, my thoughts clouded by everything that's happened, by everything still ahead. But I can't stop now. I have to find Chishiya. The Queen of Hearts is my only lead, and I refuse to let him slip away. Not after everything.

The sun is hanging low in the sky, casting an eerie golden hue over the decaying city. The vines that have grown over the buildings look like they're spreading faster, overtaking the structures as if nature is reclaiming everything. It's haunting, how everything looks like it's withering faster than the people in this hellish game.

As I walk, I notice the streets becoming emptier, but not devoid of life entirely. I pass by a row of parked RVs, their windows shattered, some doors hanging loosely on their hinges. There's blood splattered across the pavement, and the smell of death lingers in the air. I see the bodies—dozens of them—scattered around like discarded toys.

I pause, taking in the scene. The King of Spades must've been here. I grip my knives tighter, the familiar weight of them giving me a sense of control, of safety. As if these blades could somehow protect me from everything lurking around the corner.

I make my way through the RVs, my senses on high alert, when suddenly, I hear someone yelling my name.


I whirl around, knives at the ready, only to see a figure running towards me. It takes me a second to recognize him.


Behind him are Takumi and Nio, both of them looking just as ragged and worn as I feel. Before I can even process it, Kenji reaches me, throwing his arms around me in a tight hug, and then the others join in. I stand there, frozen for a moment, shocked by the sudden warmth, the sudden familiarity. But then I relax into it, hugging them back just as fiercely.

"You're alive," Kenji breathes out, pulling back slightly to look at me, his eyes wide with relief.

"I can't believe we found you," Nio adds, shaking her head in disbelief. "We've been looking everywhere."

I force a small smile, though it feels hollow. "I didn't think I'd see you guys again."

They all pull back slightly, their faces filled with relief and exhaustion. Kenji looks around, his brows furrowing. "Where's Mariko? Is she with you?"

At the mention of her name, a wave of sadness crashes over me, but I push it down. I can't break right now. Not in front of them. "I... I haven't seen her," I lie, keeping my voice steady, even though the guilt claws at my chest.

Nio curses under her breath, running a hand through her messy hair. "Shit. I haven't seen her since the King of Spades showed up. I thought she might have found you."

Kenji looks grim. "We've been looking everywhere. For you, for her... we thought maybe the King of Spades got to you both."

I swallow the lump in my throat and shake my head. "I'm still here."

Takumi steps forward, quieter than the others, his eyes filled with something deeper. He reaches for my hand, and I let him take it, squeezing gently. "I'm so happy you're alive," he whispers, his voice heavy with emotion.

I nod, squeezing his hand back, but there's something in his eyes that makes my chest tighten. "Haruto?" I ask softly, even though I already know the answer.

Takumi's face falls, and he looks away for a moment before shaking his head slowly. "He didn't make it," he says, his voice barely a whisper, but it hits me like a punch to the gut.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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