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Current days....

It's 10:00 PM, I'm sitting at the dining table. I open the wine and fill my glass.

Vinícius was supposed to have arrived to have dinner together. Today was my premiere of the film that I directed. It was an important day for me.

And Vinícius didn't show up...

He didn't show up.

It was an important day for me, and my husband didn't show up to support me. He said he had an urgent appointment and couldn't be there. But he said he would reward me when we got home.

So I prepared a candlelit dinner for us, but he's two hours late.

I hear the sound of the door. He arrived after two hours late. Two hours late.

He takes off his jacket, throws his keys in the key holder and gets some water from the fridge. When he sees me in the dark he turns on the dining room light.

I look at him and take another sip of wine. He puts his hands over his face, like he's sorry for letting me wait for two hours.

- Baby... I feel...- He starts to apologize and I interrupt him.

-Where were you? No, no... I don't give a damn... I get up, a little dizzy from drinking three glasses of wine. - I don't care where you were. I don't care that you didn't show up on an important day for me... And I don't care that you left me here alone waiting for you for two hours! -I scream in the last sentence.

– Love... – I see your eyes full of regret. But he's irritated. I'm upset. And I deserve a moment to take all of this out on someone.

- Today was important to me, and you didn't give a damn. - Shout. - Tell me, Vini... who is it? - The word hurts my throat when it comes out of my mouth. - You are cheating on me?

- I'm not cheating on you, Moon.- He says, should this make me feel a little better? I don't know.

-What's happening to us, Vinícius? What is happening to our marriage? - Shout. The tears flow down my face like a waterfall. I can not stop crying.

-Why are you doing this to me? - I say while he hugs me. - I'm trying Vini... but I'm not succeeding... - He picks me up and takes me to our room.

– We'll talk about it later, Jade. – I feel him lay me down on the bed. He kisses my forehead and leaves the room. Leaving me alone. I fall asleep there. Alone.

- I can't talk to you drunk like that. – He says getting close to me - Come here, I'll put you to bed. – The closer he gets to me, the more I move away.

I don't want to sleep, I want to take out all my anger on someone. And that someone is right in front of me.

Years ago...

I am shaking. Today is my first day of college. Right now I'm in my room thinking about what clothes I'm going to wear.

I'm feeling a surge of anxiety and fear. I've been sitting in the same place for 30 minutes, trying to think of an outfit to wear. Ava enters the room and stops when she sees me.

-Are you not ready yet? - She crosses her arms. - Oh my God, Jade! - She takes several clothes and throws them at me. - Dresses up.

– Oh I love you! - I say. - Seriously, I'm feeling sick here. Like we're going to study at the same college.

I get dressed and start looking in front of the mirror. She chose baggy jeans, a long-sleeved yellow plaid crop top and white sneakers. As it's very cold I choose a huge black coat.

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