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Current days...


- I'm fine, mom. - I say for the third time to my mother. I talk to my mother every week, I haven't seen her for a while, and I miss her a lot.

- Oh dear, I miss - you and Vinícius so much! - She speaks. - And how is he? I heard he was nominated to win the Ballon d'Or award. - I can feel her excitement for her son-in-law.

- He's very happy, mom. - I say how much I arrange the flowers that Vinícius gave me as an apology for not showing up at the premiere of my film. - I'm very proud of him. - He comes home. He throws his car keys in the key holder and takes off his shoes.

- I heard about the premiere of your film, daughter. - She speaks. Vinícius hugs me from behind and kisses my collarbone. - I'm so proud of you. But now I need to go, Jorge and I are going to his brother's house, to see Bernardo Jr.

- I still can't believe they actually gave it that name. - I say while Vinícius hugs me tighter. - Vini has arrived, do you want to talk to him? - He shakes his head.

- No need, daughter - She says and he lets out a sigh. - I'll call you later, I love you. - She hangs up when I say I love you back.

I turn to Vinícius who is hugging me with just one hand and holding his cell phone in the other.

He kisses me and shows me his cell phone screen.

- "On Friday night, the new blockbuster film in Hollywood was released, directed by the great actress Jade Durand." - He takes a break - The highly successful film, which chronicles the life of a woman who suffers domestic violence, earned its place among the most innovative films of this year. Narrating a story lived by the Writer and Director herself. " - He stops and looks at me.

- Where are the bad reviews? - I ask and he makes a face.

- You are a star, my love. - He says kissing me. - Your film is a success! I know you're freaking out inside. I know you. - He speaks.

- I'm very happy. - I say hugging him. - I finally did it, I managed to make my dream come true. - He bites my ear. - The dream of telling my story. Cum! I'm radiant.

- Hmm, who is this radiant being? What did he do to my wife? - He mocks and I pout. - I'm glad you're happy, and to celebrate, I canceled all my appointments today. I will spend every second with you.

-I have to use the coffee maker, love. - I say and he makes his face like an abandoned puppy. - I know, I know... but like it or not, I own a coffee shop.

- I know, love... - He says, placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. - But we planned to have lunch with my parents today. - I smile - shall we?

-I had forgotten about that. - I say. - I had to stop by the cafeteria first, just to check if everything was ok.

- We can stop by the coffee shop on the way. - Vinícius says - Will it take long to get ready?

- No, I'm just going to take a shower. I'll be right back - I say leaving.

I go to our room, take a quick shower. I wear a yellow dress, since it's summer here in Spain and it's hot.

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